OVERCOMING STAGE FRIGHT#261 -11-FEB-25. We discussed overcoming stage fright at a recent meeting. Some approaches can help you overcome your nerves when speaking in front of others. Find the video at https://youtu.be/7LgN6sovYjc
COMMUNICATIONS-ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, POLITICS, SOCIAL MEDIA#260 -5-FEB-25. I attended a recent meeting about “Promises vs Reality -Artificial Intelligence, Politics, and Social Media.” Since I like to look at items through my interest in how good communications can affect us, here are some thoughts. Find the video at https://youtu.be/dZPL6pCtuXE
FACING CHALLENGES#259 -30-JAN-25. We are facing increasing challenges, such as the tariffs that the USA is about to impose on Canada. But there are silver linings we can find in many challenges. My voice is still raspy. Find the video at https://youtu.be/LjlL5J28RWU
FIND YOUR VOICE, USE YOUR VOICE.#258 -22-JAN-25. My voice has partially reappeared, so this week you can hear my raspy voice when I discuss the importance of finding and using our voices. We must discuss and work with others to find the best ways to cope with the changes and improve our world. Find the video at https://youtu.be/Vo4-F80syoI
A HOSPITAL VISIT!#257 -16-JAN-25. I have not spent a night in a hospital for over fifty years. This week I saw a doctor about my persistent cough and “fat leg.” The result was two nights in hospital. Find the video at https://youtu.be/BNdT4ahCE-E
DESIDERATA.#256. -6-JAN-25. In 1971 on the hit parade was a recording of the poem “Desiderata” written by Max Ehrmann in 1927. You can find copies of the poem and recordings by searching the internet. https://youtu.be/bm_zGTkbiY8
A WONDERFUL YEAR. SO GRATEFUL!#255 -30-DEC-24. It has been a wonderful year and I have so much to be grateful for such as travels and people! Find the video at https://youtu.be/ZwjrMHXH_gA
KIDNAPPED?#254 -23-DEC-24. In the past week in Melbourne, I was put in a car and ten hours later arrived somewhere north of Melbourne and south of Sydney on the South Coast of New South Wales. It has been an enjoyable time meeting and catching up with people who I have not seen for years. Find the video at https://youtu.be/2I-ohQ9oxiU
RETIRE FROM YOUR JOB, NOT FROM LIFE#253 -15-DEC-24. Life never stops and retirement is just the beginning of a new phase of life. We review some approaches that can positively impact extending your life for a decade or more. Find the video at https://youtu.be/AKx1rSLNBn0
LIKE HUGH JACKMAN#252 -8-DEC-24. I listened to the actor Hugh Jackman highly recommend the Concept2 indoor rowing machine. As I have been using these machines for over 20 years, I can only agree. They offer many benefits, such as strengthening and toning the upper and lower body and improving power and endurance. Find the video at https://youtu.be/nyt6_RLBbA4
WELCOME TO 2034!#251 -1-DEC-24. Robots, drones, and smart technology driven by artificial intelligence are about to have an enormous impact on our world. I will share with you some ideas on what you can expect in the next ten years and think about the year 2034. Find the video at https://youtu.be/-Rf_VoL4wAA
COMMUNITY HUBS#250 -24-NOV-24. I arrived in Melbourne ten days ago, listened to podcasts, and joined international meetings where friendship, mentorship, and leadership were mentioned. The suggestion to create community-based friendship and mentorship hubs would assist in tackling mental health and civility issues. Find the video at https://youtu.be/0GxcbHh6K3A
CANADA TO AUSTRALIA#249 -17-NOV-24. This past week I left the Sea Holly behind in the Ladysmith Marina and am now settled in the pool house at my daughter’s home in Melbourne. The trip was long but all went well. Find the video at https://youtu.be/tE_RUYJms68
A FREE EFFECTIVE PRESENTATION TEMPLATE#248 -10-NOV-24. Recently I shared a Template for Effective Presentations with a group who need to give presentations from time to time. This purpose of this template is to assist those who need a checklist/guide to review as they create and present their presentation. Find the video at https://youtu.be/dj8W5Kzp_b4
WHY AM I HERE?#247 -4-NOV-24. The more things we try, the more likely we can stumble upon what we enjoy. This can help us find our purpose and realise why we are here. Find the video at https://youtu.be/EPxurUB_xNE
STARTING IS THE HARDEST PART#246-28-OCT-24. There are days when we don’t feel like doing some of the things we want to do. If we just start going to that meeting, start that exercise, save that money, and look for that new job, we will feel glad that we did it. Find the video at https://youtu.be/PgDDWCwttBE
FOUR DAYS WITH YOGI#245 -21-OCT-24. This past week I spent four days in a beautiful spot with Yogi. I was in East Sooke on Vancouver Island where I could see the Olympic Mountains in Washington State. Find the video at https://youtu.be/Kw2SNHZS3c4
ON THE BOAT AGAIN!#244 -14-OCT-24. Recently I have been staying on my friend’s boat and it was Thanksgiving in Canada. This has had me consider friends, family, minimalism, and being a nomad. Find the video at https://youtu.be/oghloBPdFvI
WE’VE ALWAYS DONE IT THIS WAY!#243 -7-OCT-24. The phrase, “We’ve always done it this way” is heard regularly in our conversations, This approach has positive and negative aspects as it preserves some great traditions, but also can prevent us from thriving. Find the video at https://youtu.be/vs2KSB6xOvw
WHAT AND WHO ARE LEADERS?#242 -30-SEP-24. As I work with Agora Speakers on creating their leadership educational paths the subject of what and who are leaders arises. Our world needs leaders who can actively build a better world at all levels within our communities and our countries. Find the video at https://youtu.be/fxS_XFWkwC0
IT’S A SMALL WORLD#241 -23-SEP-24. In a recent conversation with a person in Cape Town who I have met recently at Agora Speakers we had a discussion that shows me how small the world can be. Find the video at https://youtu.be/EB628v0x4oU
ALL WORK -ALL PLAY?#240 -16-SEP-24. Work-life balance has a big impact on our lives. A balance between work and play improves our relationships, mental well-being and connection with our inner child. People of all ages have more fulfilled lives when they have a good work-life balance. Find the video at https://youtu.be/hRN72sqc4oY
FIND YOUR TRIBE#239 -9-SEP-24. What goals or changes do you want to make? Finding like-minded people you can work with to help each other become the best you can be is key to achieving success. Find the video at https://youtu.be/-U4mxvOjA8w
LIFELONG LEARNING#238 -2-SEP-24. I had an outstanding past seven weeks experiencing the west coast of Canada and the Arctic plus being in Romania during the Agora Speakers convention. Lifelong learning is a key to enjoying and experiencing the world. Find the video at https://youtu.be/y78iGna2qxI
HELLO FROM ROMANIA#237 -26-AUG-24. The past week has been busy with my arrival in Romania, and participating in a public speaking summer school, and the Agora Speakers International convention. I have thoroughly enjoyed meeting the amazing team of people at Agora Speakers Romania! Find the video at https://youtu.be/wZ_rqeWmLMg
THE END OF THE ROAD#236 -18-AUG-24. After over 11,000 kilometres in the past month, the road trip to the Arctic and around British Columbia has ended. It has been a wonderful opportunity to learn more about British Columbia, meet interesting people and learn more about road-tripping. Here are details about my past week and some things. Find the video at https://youtu.be/LeM0IrmYKbc
THE ROADS I HAVE TRAVELLED#235 -11-AUG-24. The journey from Whitehorse, Yukon to Bella Coola on the west coast of British Columbia was wonderful and informative.I spent some time in a cottage at Atlin Lake and visited Liard River Hot Springs which was on my revisit bucket list. Find the video at https://youtu.be/dZLVTHDUJyE
TO TUKTOYAKTUK#234 -4-AUG-24. The journey from Whitehorse, Yukon to Tuktoyaktuk on the Arctic Ocean and back was a six-day journey covering over 3000 kilometres. The Dempster highway was interesting and so were some of the people I met and my car Charlie, was outstanding. Find the video at https://youtu.be/4UEfVmMrdQY
TO THE YUKON#233 -28-JUL-24. This past week I travelled to the capital of the Yukon, Whitehorse. So far I have driven 3750 kilometres and one of the amazing side trips was to Telegraph Creek in northwestern British Columbia. Find the video at https://youtu.be/0z9NVIeLPiQ
THE TOAST ON THE BOAT#232 -22-JUL-24. This past week, I spent most of it with my best friend, Ken, and we celebrated my birthday at my favourite place. We visited our old scouting friend Dave and then went on his boat to Ganges harbour on Salt Spring Island. Find the video at https://youtu.be/GszsBWK_5kU
AN EXCITING ARCTIC ROAD TRIP#231 -15-JUL-24. I am excited as I am about to embark on an extended road trip to Tuktoyaktuk in the Canadian Arctic. I hope to at least put my feet in the Arctic Ocean and meet some of the approximate one thousand inhabitants in Tuktoyaktuk. Find the video at https://youtu.be/BUIOZxC0-zQ
LEARN ANYTHING -See-Do-Feedback#230 -8-JUL-24. In a recent book, “Get Better At Anything” Scott Young refers to an approach that has been used for over 130 years in teaching surgery. This See, Do, and Feedback approach is very effective and is used in many fields, including learning communication and leadership. Find the video at https://youtu.be/Egdubr_mpbo
FIFTEEN IN A ROW #229 -30-JUN-24. In the past few months, I have watched someone in the United Kingdom grow and do some exceptional activities. We have a weekly meeting with people from around the world and this nine-year-old girl has accomplished wonderful results to date. It is exciting to see and watch her grow. Find the video at https://youtu.be/AU0xkQuVkOY
WHAT CAN WE DO ABOUT THIS?#228 -24-JUN-24. What can be done about the challenges that our younger generation are facing? I suggest that the outstanding work of Dr. Marilyn Price-Mitchell is very relevant where she highlight 8 core attributes. You can find details about her work with free surveys and many articles and printouts that can be used to assist our younger generation on her website at https://www.rootsofaction.com/about/ Find the video at https://youtu.be/iGm0XM-w9UA
THE “MORTAL ENEMY”#227 -17-JUN-24. In my downsizing effort, I came across a folder with notes my father wrote. The notes contain details about a story he often told about an incident in 1930 when his stepfather was driving his 1925 Ford Model T Touring car. I hope this may be of interest to hear a little information about what the world was like in the 1930’s. Find the video at https://youtu.be/P-wkEwmFSG8
HAPPY 30TH BIRTHDAY, CHARLIE!#226 -9-JUN-24. At thirty years old, it was time to treat Charlie to a nice birthday present. After spending the previous six months outside, my chariot, Charlie, my 1994 Toyota Corolla station wagon has been faithful to me and deserved the “spa” treatment. You can find the video at https://youtu.be/POY7gvsAuP4
BOB & HEATHER -LIFE STORIES!#225 -3-JUN-24. Attending two Celebrations of Life for Bob and Heather made me think about life, its fragility and impermanence. Listening to the stories about others’ lives encourages us to review our values and priorities and have gratitude for what we have. Also, it can be motivating and makes us think, “What would Bob or Heather do in these circumstances?” Find the video at https://youtu.be/3AfGrJls_lc
WHAT A RIDE!#224 -26-MAY-24. Life has been interesting in the past 80-plus years. The changes have become obvious as I go through the collected memorabilia as I downsize. Each decade is so different as we age and the world evolves. This video may be of interest to historians. You can Find the video at https://youtu.be/lRQ7FNrhHkA
A MESSAGE FROM NEPAL#223 -19-MAY-24. A few days ago I received a surprise message a school I visited in 2023 during my last week in Nepal. The Wings Agora Speakers Club they started has been active for the past year and they have invited me to join their meeting. As I had not heard from them since last year, this was an exciting message! Find the video at https://youtu.be/oMgDNfM_EEo
MEMORABLE THINGS#222 -13-MAY-24. We tend to accumulate many items during our lifetime which can become burdensome for those who sort out our estate. I have returned to Canada and have the challenge of downsizing some more. There are some reasons why this works for me and it is liberating to own fewer things as they can control you. Find the video at https://youtu.be/5rY8L8zG7So
TRAVEL LESSONS#221 -5-MAY-24. Travelling can teach us so much. We learn to be adaptable, patient, independent, self-aware, open-minded, and grateful. However, we don’t have to spend a lot of money and time to gain these important skills. Find the video at https://youtu.be/vpkn2Irucr0
IT’S MADNESS!#220 -28-APR-24. Mental health is often not spoken about and considered shameful, but it is becoming more of a challenge in our changing world. This past week I visited a museum at a large state mental health hospital in California and listened to three speeches that helped prompt this video. I refer to a TEDtalk by Vikram Patel, “Mental Health for All By Involving All,” which can be found at the link in this video description. Find the video at https://youtu.be/mwQKMoe3_AU
NEWS ADDICTION#219 -21-APR-24. Today there is so much access to the ‘news’ that if we are not careful we can become obsessed and even addicted to watching the news. It has been shown that too much negative news can harm our well-being. There are some ways I have tried to control going down the never-ending news channels. Find the video at https://youtu.be/OmxtjgtKNDs
YOUTH PROGRAMS#218 -14-APR-24. Encouraging youth to speak in front of a group and even make presentations is something I have been doing for around two decades. I have learned a few things and recently sent an award to a young 9-year-old participant for giving her fifth speech. Having a variety of ages working together also adds some magic to the process. Find the video at https://youtu.be/aRWnxvwMonw
JUGGLING GENERATIONS#217 -7-APR-24. I was impressed seeing the different generations collaborating at the recent rehearsal of the Great All-American Youth Circus here in Redlands, California. This reminds me of what happens at many of our Agora Speakers meetings with young and old people working together to improve our interpersonal skills. Find the video at https://youtu.be/TagTzU0ndUQ
FINLAND AND SISU#216 -31-MAR-24. Finland has been recognized as the ‘Happiest Nation in the World’ for the last seven years. Many reasons are given for this achievement, but one factor is that they have “sisu.” Sisu is roughly translated as strength of will, determination, perseverance, and acting rationally in the face of adversity. Find the video at https://youtu.be/LuMHgyGBz0c
THE QUOTE AND THE EMAIL#215 -24-MAR-24. “I feel very adventurous. There are so many doors to be opened, and I’m not afraid to look behind them.” is a quote by Elizabeth Taylor. I also received an email from Gabriela, the Agora Speakers Ambassador for Romania inviting me to visit in August. That is an exciting door to be opened as I plan to visit Romania. Find the video at https://youtu.be/drsNntoESAo
THE POSSIBILIST#214 -17-MAR-24. Nelson Mandela said, “People say it’s impossible until it’s done.” I listened to a fascinating podcast with William Ury, an American author, academic, anthropologist, and negotiation expert. His stories and approaches about some of the negotiations in which he has been involved are extraordinary. Find the video at https://youtu.be/vaHqAZ8Oaow
93 YEARS YOUNG#213 -10-MAR-24. We can all learn something from Richard Morgan, a 93-year-old world indoor rowing champion from Ireland. Richard started his journey at the age of 73 and had not been highly athletic previously. His success can be partially credited to consistently doing various exercises, and having a high-protein diet. Find the video at https://youtu.be/ZiFrdlujM6s
WHAT ARE THESE YOUNG PEOPLE DOING?#212 -3-MAR-24. This past week I was in contact with some young people doing something I would never consider when I was their age. A year ago I visited a school, Everest Academy in Nepal. This past week a group of their students surprised me with some activities demonstrating that we should not underestimate them. Find the video at https://youtu.be/4n29MfHibfA
HOW OLD ARE YOU?#211 -25-FEB-24. Ageism is a systematic oppression against specific age groups. Older and younger generations can often be excluded from various opportunities due to their age. We can use intergenerational connections and judge people by their strengths, not their age. Find this video at https://youtu.be/01nQQpi-AiE
YURI-WAR#210 -18-FEB-24. This video covers a sober topic, that is war. I just heard that the friend’s brother passed away from being injured in the war in Ukraine. The world continues to have wars, which have such a large negative impact on the world. I hope one hundred years from now, that some of my future descendants will see this video and say that does not happen anymore! Find the video at https://youtu.be/9pgw7c3gkGM
A MESSAGE FROM ARNOLD#209 -11-FEB-24. “You can admit you can’t do it alone. I certainly can’t. No one can.” This is what Arnold Schwarzenegger wrote in the foreword of the book, Tools of Titans, by Tim Ferriss. Arnold has become famous and gives motivational speeches and talks and in his recent book, he also mentions helping others as others have helped you. Find this video at https://youtu.be/6oOcmJsaGVE
HIRING SKILLS/TOPGRADING#208 -4-FEB-24. In case you know someone who is involved in hiring I share what I learned as a recruiter for fifteen years. Up to 70% of people hired are not the best fit for their positions. I share an approach developed by Brad Smart called ‘Topgrading’ which has stood the test of time. Find the video at https://youtu.be/KOaUPF8Dmwc
VIRTUAL TEAM CHALLENGE#207 -28-JAN-24. I share some details about what is happening in January on the indoor rowing machine calendar. I have been confusing the local gym members as to why some old guy would come in every day and row for hours on one of their Concept2 rowing machines. There is an indoor rowing machine team challenge called the Virtual Team Challenge for January. Find the video at https://youtu.be/HLHrSuuSHtk
SAVED BY CRITICISM#206 -21-JAN-24. At a recent meeting, people gave me criticism or feedback on a demonstration video I had created. It is often challenging to cultivate an open mindset to constructive criticism, but this can lead to growth and improvement. At first, I thought they did not appreciate what I showed them. However, their comments will help make the final product better. Find the video at https://youtu.be/F-5TJuuxrCc
CLUTTER (Things)#205 -14-JAN-24 -14-JAN-24. Recent conversations reminded me that often the things we own can end up owning us. Storing the things we own can be a challenge. Storage has become a growing multi-billion-dollar business. Cleaning our clutter can be challenging. Less clutter can often benefit our overall health. Find the video at https://youtu.be/wPj_zXacpgs
BUT I’M NOT A LEADER! REALLY?#204 -7-JAN-24. I watched a recent short video by Simon Sinek where he answered, “I’m not the CEO, how do I change the organization?” The answer is you can influence the group of people you are involved with daily. This can ultimately have a positive impact. Find the video at https://youtu.be/Fm-ONYtkX8o
THE MIDDLE WAY#203 -31-DEC-23. At a recent Afterparty at an Agora Speakers meeting the teaching of ‘The Middle Way’ from Buddha was mentioned as we discussed the status of the world. I found it interesting that many philosophers such as Aristotle and many religions have a similar message on how to approach life in moderation. Find the video at https://youtu.be/smhjxrAXyVs
COMFORT ZONES#202 -24-DEC-23. Getting out of our comfort zone has many benefits. We can increase our self-confidence, broaden our perspectives, improve our problem-solving, increase our motivation, and unlock our potential. Find the video at https://youtu.be/lSqBbeZN1Bo
CHANGING LIVES#201 -17-DEC-23. If you have watched some of my previous videos you likely noted that I believe communication skills are important. Improving our communication skills has a positive impact on our lives. How can we inform people on how they can improve their lives enormously by practicing and improving their communication skills? Find the video at https://youtu.be/hx6ccWjnz5w
“WHAT” 200 VIDEOS?#200 -10 DEC-23. Should you ever wonder where you can easily find the videos that I have posted since February 2020, there is a website. On the website, there is a list of all the posts with a brief description and a link to each video. The site can be found at https://www.notesofanomad.ca/ Find the video at https://youtu.be/IfGu4MxyyIs
THE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM#199 -3-DEC-23. We often hear stories about families with an elderly parent suffering from dementia such as Alzheimer’s disease. This can be very concerning for the family, as we grow older, it becomes more prevalent. Find the video at https://youtu.be/s-doIC3052E
BLACK FRIDAY -WORLDWIDE?#198 -26-NOV-23. After arriving from Hawaii a few days ago, I had the opportunity to visit a local mall and noted all the Black Friday sales in Australia. Black Friday sales started the day after Thanksgiving in the USA and appear to have spread worldwide. Find the video at https://youtu.be/W8WIb8fehzo
FAMILY GATHERING -HAWAII#197 -19-NOV-23. Family gatherings offer the opportunity to reconnect, share meals, have fun, and create memories. Currently, I am in Hawaii with family members from Australia, California, and Canada. Find the video at https://youtu.be/XpjlKOT63dg
LONG-TERM FRIENDSHIPS#196 -12-NOV-23. Long-term friendships are important in our lives. They offer support, trust, shared memories, stress reduction, fun, and enjoyment. Last week three of us connected and had an enjoyable time sharing each other’s company once again. Find the video at https://youtu.be/vjyjWRxhnRI
THE HAPPIEST PERSON IN THE HAPPIEST COUNTRY#195 -5-NOV-23. In this video, I discuss hearing an interview with Ella Kanninen, a journalist and TV presenter who was chosen as the most positive or happiest person in Finland, the happiest country in the world. Find the video at https://youtu.be/W8G9IGi-kUk
HOW TO KNOW A PERSON#194 -29-OCT-23. An interview with the authour, David Brooks about his recent book, “How to Know A Person,” inspired some thoughts about deep listening and helping others. When we conduct effective conversations and listen actively to others we make others feel heard, understood, and recognized. This can help us find common ground, solve problems, and improve the world around us. Find the video at https://youtu.be/ausgnH8w4XE
THREE GENERATIONS#193 -22-OCT-23. I share three photographs that I found in a file folder that represent three generations of my family. One purpose of these videos is to provide information about me for future descendants. We know very little about our grandparents and I don’t plan to write a book. Find the video at https://youtu.be/UEfkIRsOnHk
TRAVELLING ACROSS CANADA#192 -15-OCT-23. This past week at dinner, Steve told us about his wonderful trip across Canada mainly by train. It was wonderful to discuss the trip he took with three friends where he discovered much of Canada he had never seen even though he is an accomplished world traveler. Find the video at https://youtu.be/wCSdq7pul7M
SPEAK UP – LEAD – MAKE HISTORY#191. -8-OCT-23. With another conflict in the Middle East between Israel and Hammas the average citizen is the one who suffers. I believe a formula that will help solve so many problems in the world is ‘Speak Up – Lead – Make History.’ We can all dig deeper into our lives, step up, and apply the above formula by improving our communication and leadership and making the world better. Find the video at https://youtu.be/2gIfE5gyG9k
100 YEARS FROM NOW#190 -1-OCT-23. This past week I received an email from a high school student asking me to write a reference for her debate coach application. Her mother suggested that she include what she wrote when asked about a person who inspired her. This made me think about my favorite quote about 100 Years From Now. Find the video at https://youtu.be/UU_MHzzR2Bc
BACK TO THE DRAWING BOARD#189 -24-SEP-23. This week I have to go ‘back to the drawing board’ as a project I have been working on has not been successful. I review some of the activities, the results, and what I think is the next step. However, if anyone has some suggestions for me, I would be pleased to hear them. Find the video at https://youtu.be/CTt7Fl5jQus
TO TORONTO AND BACK#188 -17-SEP-23. This past week I travelled to Toronto to visit some family members I have not seen in Toronto since 2011. It was a busy week and I received an unexpected gift at the end of the trip. Find the video at https://youtu.be/TVu3zJe-tAI
IF YOU DON’T BELONG, YOU WILL PAY#187 -10-SEP-23. When discussing that Agora Speakers is free, the phrase, “You don’t pay to belong to Agora, but if you don’t belong you will pay” was mentioned. This comment resonated with me as it can be applied to many things in life including exercise and nutrition. Find the video at https://youtu.be/k2cIXg7oys4
YOUR MONEY OR YOUR LIFE#186 -3-SEP-23. In 2012 when I was on a four-month overland trip from Cape Town to Cairo two of the seventeen people referred to a book, ‘Your Money or Your Life.’ I know the book had an impact on those who read it. I found some elements in the book that I thought I would share. Find the video at https://youtu.be/yHfysgQiebc
CONVENTION PRESENTATION#185 -27-AUG-23. At the recent Agora Speakers online convention, AGORACON2023, I presented what I had learned during my trip to Nepal earlier this year. This presentation “The Gift” describes some of what I did and learned in Nepal. Find the video at https://youtu.be/3PJ5e6j-xhU
CLIMATE CHANGE#184 -20-AUG-23. I have noticed so many more extreme weather situations in the past few years. As the world changes there are more issues requiring us to fix and thus we need to be able to change how we communicate and collaborate to solve the many challenges. Find the video at https://youtu.be/AvaG2y-RNtM
RABBIT HOLES#183 -12-AUG-23. So many ‘rabbit holes’ have us getting deeper into something which becomes time wasters. It is not easy to avoid them, but with some techniques such as setting priorities and being aware of where you have spent your time it is possible to have a more balanced life. You can find this video at https://youtu.be/UCAzPHSO_bE
ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE -Good, Bad, or Ugly?#182 -5-AUG-23. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the latest hot topic and is being touted everywhere. Is AI helpful? Is AI going to take our jobs? Is it going to take over the world? I believe the key point is that it can be good. It could be bad, or even ugly. It is important to use AI as a tool that can assist us to create a better world. You can find this video at https://youtu.be/OQdLcSfzDw4
BENEFITS OF VOLUNTEERING#181 -29-JUL-23. Volunteering offers wonderful benefits, such as connecting us to others, is good for your mind and body, and brings us fun and fulfillment. As a volunteer since 2009, I have enjoyed and received many benefits from my involvement. There are websites that can connect you to volunteer organizations. Find the video at https://youtu.be/YJA4ouI9sO8
WHAT HAPPENED LAST YEAR?#180 -22-JUL-23. As it was my birthday this past week, I reviewed what occurred this past year. I managed to move around this past year. I sorted through many photos, some of which you may have seen if you watched my videos. Find the video at https://youtu.be/5ACgshRvG24
RECOVERY#179 -15-JUL-23. During my twelve-week journey through Nepal earlier this year, I started coughing and not eating well for the last few weeks. When I arrived back in Canada I saw how much weight I had lost and started working on some routines to recover. Find the video at https://youtu.be/x58a4F_8oL4
FRIENDSHIP#178 -7-JUL-23. The past week was outstanding as I spent a few days on my friend Ken’s boat. We traveled to Salt Spring Island and spent a few days in the marina. I felt so blessed to be able to spend time with a good friend and enjoy excellent food in a beautiful spot in the world. Find the video at https://youtu.be/RIi_AczQf9I
REMEMBERED FOR?#177 -1-JUL-23. This is the final video answering the fifth question posed by the Barefoot Investor, Scott Pape, an Australian author. The question is, “How would you like to be remembered? I refer to working with young people for the past 20 years to assist them to enhance their communication and leadership skills. Find the video at https://youtu.be/cIooQ38IMbk
MOST PROUD OF#176 -24-JUN-23. The fourth question from Scott Pape, the Australian author known as the Barefoot Investor is, “What Are You Most Proud Of?” I explain living into my 80s and feeling you are never too old to keep an open mind makes me proud. Find the video at https://youtu.be/Fh7nTD0HgDA
BEING A DAD#175 -17-JUN-23. The third question from Scott Pape, the Australian author known as the Barefoot Investor is, “What does being a dad mean to you?’ This video contains my thoughts about being a dad and comments about some good information sources about approaches I would have found useful. Find the video at https://youtu.be/NP1xIyC0JU8
MONEY, LIFE, & HAPPINESS#174 -10-JUN-23. The second question from Scott Pape, the Australian author known as the Barefoot Investor is, “What advice can you share with me about money, life, and happiness?” This video contains my thoughts about these three things. Find the video at https://youtu.be/C0W0jzKrY8w
MEETING MUM#173 -4-JUN-23. In a recent newsletter from Scott Pape known as the Barefoot Investor, he discussed his ‘Ultimate Fathers Day Present.’ This consists of asking your elderly parents five questions and recording their answers prior to them disappearing from our lives. My daughter in Australia suggested I answer the questions, so today I respond to the first question, “How did you meet mum?” Find the video https://youtu.be/ecyHoy82Ijs
BEING GRATEFUL#172 -27-MAY-23. Being back on Vancouver Island on the west coast of Canada, I feel so grateful to live here. I am appreciating the exquisite combination of the ocean, the multitude of trees, and snow-covered mountains. Find the video at https://youtu.be/ecyHoy82Ijs
THE DISAPPEARING COMPUTER#171 -20-MAY-23. After the previous video where I mentioned how the world is changing rapidly and spoke about how computers have changed and will change, I saw a TED talk about the disappearing computer. Find the video at https://youtu.be/HjDVMrgC5Zs
THE GIFT FOR NEPAL#170 -12-MAY-23. This video is a recording of the presentation I gave during my twelve weeks spent in Nepal and visiting schools in the seven provinces of Nepal. Because the young generation is facing more changes and challenges than any previous generation, it is important that they learn the skills that will enable them to have fulfilled and happy lives. Find the video at https://youtu.be/bf1cfzLOJZo
NEPAL -INDIA -SOUTH KOREA -USA -CANADA#169 -6-MAY-23. This past week I left Nepal, visited a friend in South Korea, and then back to Canada via the USA. It was a busy traveling week. I am now relaxing in Victoria, BC Canada after the past three months of journies around Nepal. Find the video at https://youtu.be/IC86wnWZ1TU
NEPAL -Week Twelve -(Bhaktapur)#168 -1-MAY-23. This video covers the twelfth and last week I spent in Nepal. We have planted lots of seeds and now the task is to bring much of the interest to fruition. Find the video at https://youtu.be/cQSN5q4kT_M
NEPAL -Week Eleven -(Mahendranagar)#167 -26-APR-23. It was a challenging week in Mahendranagar. From mosquitoes, feeling very ill, not being able to eat any more plain rice with curried vegetables, and feeling isolated were some of the challenges. Find the video at https://youtu.be/ahuzJODecTU
NEPAL -Week Ten -(Inaruwa)#166 -17-APR-23. It was New Year’s Day in Nepal last week. So Happy New Year for 2080 according to the Hindu calendar used in Nepal. Also, since last week was during school vacation I conducted a Summer Camp approach having them at the school in the morning and a road trip some afternoons. We did journaling, Agora Speakers practices, learning to cook, and four road trips. Find the video at https://youtu.be/OClCRWuIfGg
NEPAL -Week Nine -(Damak)#165 –10-APR-23. This past week, I had an enthusiastic reception in the school and the library that I visited. Also, the bus ride from Damak to Inaruwa has some dramatic activities which delayed my arrival in Inaruwa. Find the video at https://youtu.be/3KwVPfivzA4
NEPAL -Week Eight -(Dharan)#164 -1-APR-23. I spent the past week at the Shree Public School which has 3425 students. It was the first government-run school as all previous schools were private schools. I will maintain contact with the English teacher, Buddha Sagar as he appears enthusiastic about the Agora Speakers program. I received an interesting ‘Token of Love’ from the school. Find the video at https://youtu.be/hoTU1aJcqvA
NEPAL -Week Seven -(Pokhara)#163 -26-MAR-23. I spent this week in Pokhara which is Nepal’s most popular tourist destination and is known for its Himalayan range and lakes, and its adventure activities. I am not a good tourist. I saw or did none of the above. I did work in a school and a college and did do a few unexpected things. Find the video at https://youtu.be/03oTT-xioFQ
NEPAL -Week Six -(Nepalgunj)#162 -19-MAR-23. This past week was spent in Nepalgunj which is close to the border with India. I had a great time working with about eighty students in the Spring Dell Academy from Grade 5 to Grade 10. The school principal was very supportive and interested in the Agora Speakers Youth program. Find the video at https://youtu.be/UP5pVIbQWCw
NEPAL -Week Five -(Chitwan)#161 -10-MAR-23. After a 13-hour bus ride, I arrived in Chitwan, Nepal on Sunday morning where I worked with the students at Orchid School. I continue to learn as we progress and enjoy the hospitality of the people of Nepal. I discuss some of the aspects of Nepal in which I believe implementing Agora Speakers clubs can make a positive contribution. Find the video at https://youtu.be/K9ymlSiFUAU
NEPAL –Week Four – (Surkhet)#160 -3MAR-23. This week I traveled to the Surkhet area of Nepal and spent the week at the Eager Bridge Secondary School introducing the Agora Speakers Youth programs to some of the students. The first half of the ride was exciting as I had the same driver, Rabin from the previous fast and furious week. He took me to see the Wall of Death motorcycle/car show at a local fair. Also, I visited a Hindu/Buddhist temple built in the 12 century that has been restored in 2021 known as Kakrebihar. Find the video at https://youtu.be/3ykBeyHshSY
NEPAL -Week Three -Where Am I? (Attariya)#159 -24-FEB-23. It was another eventful and exciting week in Nepal, starting with a 9-hour ‘fast and furious’ car trip sharing the road with dogs, cattle, people, tuk-tuks, tractors pulling trailers, mini-buses of all sizes, large buses and trucks all vying for space. I had a busy with at Everest Academy in Attariya in western Nepal, very close to the Indian border. We had a ‘School Show’ inviting neighboring schools to attend and I even visited a Nepali Army base. Find the video at https://youtu.be/qNQLgIYdHBU
NEPAL -Week Two#158 -(Butwal) -17-FEB-23. This week after a ‘bUmPy’ bus ride to Butwal, I spent a remarkable week at a school. It is hard to express how enjoyable it was to be in a school dormitory and watch children for the week apparently enjoying their time at school. Overall, it was an eventful and productive week promoting Agora Speakers Youth programs in this community. Find the video at https://youtu.be/ojJm_OtW5PY
NEPAL -Week One#157 -(Kathmandu) -11-FEB-23. My first week in Nepal was outstanding. I visited four schools and shared information about Agora Speakers youth programs with many other schools that have expressed interest in the programs. I think this might just be the best week of my life so far! Find this video at https://youtu.be/_bXEwLBBT_g
A DAY IN SINGAPORE#156 -4-FEB-23. On my way to Nepal from Melbourne I spend a day with Ban Peng Gao, the Agora Speakers Ambassador to Singapore. He was extremely generous as he was busy with his accounting business and family during the Chinese New Year. Singapore is very unique in the world and has many similarities to Switzerland as being a safe financial center that remains neutral on many political issues. Find the video at https://youtu.be/FlfmvYnQUi4
NEXT STEP, NEPAL!#155 -27-JAN-23. In a few days’ time, I will be on my way to Nepal via Singapore. As I will have limited availability to the internet, I will likely only be able to respond to emails and upload some videos until I return to Canada in early May. Find the video at https://youtu.be/01vr9zBh-4E
CHANGES#154 -20-JAN-23. I was born in 1942 during the Second World War and the world has changed since then. I review some of the changes that have occurred in my life and some of the skills that the current youth will need to cope with change during their lifetimes. Find the video at https://youtu.be/RtXrBYqJogk
AN AGORIAN WEEK#153 -13-JAN-23. This past week there has been a flurry of activity in Agora Speakers International. As an Ambassador for Agora Speakers, I attended some meetings, have been in contact with others interested in the organization, and have an update about the forthcoming trip to Nepal. Find the video at https://youtu.be/0UHq5TatcMg
INNOCENT INFLUENCE#152 -6-JAN-23. I have been going to the gym regularly here in Melbourne, Australia. Apparently, people have noticed that I spend a much longer time on the rowing machine than the average person. This made me aware that people notice us and that we can have an impact on others even when we are not aware of them. Find the video at https://youtu.be/OO9ymcM7wOk
YOUTH TESTIMONIALS#151 -30-DEC-22. Since I have been working with youth groups since 2004, I thought it would be good to get some testimonials from those involved. I recently sent out a request and have received a few testimonials which I can share. The plan is to use them to promote other youth to join a youth group. Find the video at https://youtu.be/PNKf9u9XsAE
A BRIGHT CHRISTMAS#150 -23-DEC-22. This past week we travelled to a small town ‘Bright’ where a river flows through the town and many people come on holiday. We returned to Melbourne in time for the annual street party. Find this video at https://youtu.be/BtOTDChNpFM
AN OLD GUY’S QUOTES#149 -16-DEC-2022. As I age I come across some quotes that have become more meaningful to me. I share a few quotes from another old guy who lived over 2400 years ago which I find applicable today. Find the video at https://youtu.be/lONqULoZUs0
COMMUNICATION & LEADERSHIP EPITOMIZED#148 -10-DEC-2022. Communication and leadership are important to actively build a better world. I refer to Volodymyr Zelensky, the President of Ukraine who epitomizes the power of outstanding communication and leadership. Find the video at https://youtu.be/NB98_cfDhyo
BAREFOOT KIDS#147 -2-DEC-2022. Teaching children skills that will help them be successful when they enter adulthood is a great gift. A children’s book ‘Barefoot Kids’ recently published here in Australia is a wonderful example of helping children gain important skills, You can find more about the author, Scott Pape on his website found at www.barefootinvestor.com. Find the video at https://youtu.be/MULNUjHYvv8
ROWING AND MEETINGS#146 -25-NOV-2022. I have no more Covid and have been able to attend the gym and row. In addition this week I have attended a variety of online meetings at all times of the day and night. Find the video at https://youtu.be/sHgHmbr6uoc
FIRST WEEK IN AUSTRALIA AND COVID#145 -18-NOV-2022. After arriving in Australia Covid-19 appeared on the scene and I am secure in the pool house at my daughter’s family’s place. I am doing well with few side effects. Find the video at https://youtu.be/Cn3YyeLFPcA
MY TREK TO AUSTRALIA#144 -11-NOV-2022. This past week, I made a long extended journey from the British Virgin Islands to Melbourne, Australia. In particular, the flight from Vancouver to Manila in the Philippines was an exceptional experience. Find the video at https://youtu.be/FkLpzy68ygI
THE BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS#143 -4-NOV-2022. This video contains pictures from Virgin Gorda Island in the British Virgin Islands. Pictures of the unique Baths Beach with its giant boulders and the Virgin Islands Search and Rescue boat at Virgin Gorda are included. Find the video at https://youtu.be/WZ1RZ0XvHFI
TRAVELLING#142 -29-OCT-22. Today I arrived at the Toronto airport from Vancouver and tomorrow will travel to the British Virgin Islands to visit a friend and his wife Amy. Travelling offers a great education as we experience new things, open our minds to the outside world, and meet different people from different places. Find the video at https://youtu.be/wGQOLI7x1WA
MEETINGS SUCK#141 -21-OCT-22. ‘Too many meetings’ is cited as the biggest waste of time in many organizations. Meetings done badly can be time-consuming, boring, and unproductive. Meetings done well can help build your culture, your team, and your organization. Find the video at https://youtu.be/7ESPjD5SHxA
THE PECKING ORDER#140 -14-OCT-22. There is a TEDtalk with over 4 million views that I think should have over 400 million views. The talk by Margaret Heffernan, “Forget the Pecking Order at Work” conveys why collaboration is more effective than competition. There is a link to that talk in the video description. Find this video at https://youtu.be/4AqFhGRffZ4
PAST WEEK AND FUTURE TRAVELS#139 -7-OCT-22. Last week I shared time with a friend and memories of 60 years ago when we were hitchhiking around North America and Europe. I have some travels forthcoming soon to the British Virgin Islands, Australia, and Nepal. Find the video at https://youtu.be/yaWb4HxlNVs
A VOICE FROM UKRAINE#138 -30-SEP-22. At the recent Agora Speakers club meeting one of our participants updated us about his status in Ukraine. In particular, his statement about the difference in leadership in Ukraine and Russia was very informative. Find the video at https://youtu.be/_mUNguJQjTA
LEADERSHIP FOR THE COMING DECADES#137 -23-SEP-22. In the coming decades, leadership skills will become more critical than ever. The old leader-follower approach does not work well, The leader-leader model where power and responsibility are placed as low on the organizational hierarchy as possible is more effective. Find the video at https://youtu.be/izZUlw3LqJ8
FAILURE AND GETTING THE MOST OUT OF LIFE#136 -16-SEP-22. At school, we are programmed not to fail. However, we do not get the most out of our time on earth by being cautious and not trying new and different things. This reminds me of why a growth mindset is much more effective than a fixed mindset. Find the video at https://youtu.be/bEl4wrJUDN4
LONELINESS -A Health Threat#135 -9-SEP-22. Loneliness threatens our health and happiness. Loneliness is widespread around the world and affects people of all ages. We share some approaches such as connecting with like-minded people and spending at least 15 minutes a day in contact with others. Find the video at https://youtu.be/2TVpyWDXndo
A NEW AGE TEACHER#134 -2-SEP-22. Teaching has changed. This video shows an elementary school classroom where there are four large screens, extensive computer usage, music is played during classwork, the students sit where they wish, and the teacher is a gamer. Find the video at https://youtu.be/tlYhSRLQloI
A BLAST FROM THE PAST#133 -26-AUG-22. -Our Scout Master who passed away earlier this year had a treasure trove of scouting mementos from the 1940s to the 1990s. Amongst these items was a card I wrote to him in 1962 from France. Find the video at https://youtu.be/DK50ao6kmdw
AGORACON 2022#132 -18–AUG022. The annual convention for Agora Speakers International, AGORACON 2022, is being held in August. The convention is being organized and hosted by youth groups in India. I am excited as it showcases what the younger generation is capable of doing as they are often underestimated. Find the video at https://youtu.be/V78LhZS54cM
APPRECIATION#131 -12-AUG-22. I am pleased to be back in Victoria on Vancouver Island and appreciate what it has to offer such as the forests, ocean, mountains, and friendly, helpful people. Showing appreciation can have a positive impact on you. Find the video at https://youtu.be/-kcKTv3KG9Y
THE SECRET TO HAPPINESS#130 -5-AUG-22. I am back in Canada and currently with my friend in his boat at Ganges harbour at Salt Spring Island, British Columbia. A recent quote from the Greek philosopher, Socrates resonated with me. As a nomad, I have found having fewer things has been liberating. Find the video at https://youtu.be/OY0yiQuMpK0
BE INTERESTED IN OTHERS#129 -29-JUL-22. I believe that communication with each other is a key skill that we can learn to improve. If we communicate well with each other we can prevent many of the problems we face in our world, In a TedTalk, Celeste Headlee mentions ‘Ten ways to have a better conversation.’ Find this video at https://youtu.be/6LAph7ejMG8
WINNIE THE POOH#128 -22-JUL-22. The original bear on which the stories about Winnie the Pooh are based was from a small town, White River in Northern Ontario, Canada. Since I discovered this fact and often mention this, my family knows that I am a fan. Find this video at https://youtu.be/ZvjrO2W8nGU
WHEN OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS!#127 -15-JUL-22. Sometimes we have the opportunity to try something new and if we do not take it, we regret having not done so. It is your life, only you know if it is right for you, trust your gut. Find this video at https://youtu.be/pA4UiawWaCY
THOUGHTS ON APARTHEID#126 -8-JUL-22. After living for 22 years in South Africa during the Apartheid era, I share some of my experiences and thoughts. Find the video at https://youtu.be/dIUZGsdHbQQ
CALLING IN, NOT CALLING OUT!#125 -2-JUL-22. You may know, that I consider communication to be one of the biggest challenges we face in the world. In a TEDtalk, Loretta J. Ross states ‘fighting hate should be fun,’ and she shares some approaches that we can try to improve our relations with others. Find the video at https://youtu.be/LnnAxUTxjh0
BE POSITIVE, LIVE LONGER#124 -24-JUN-22. Last week we lost a friend and mentor of over 60 years. Ron who was 92 years old started having a positive influence on our lives as our Scoutmaster. It also has been shown that a positive approach adds years to our lives. Find the video at https://youtu.be/RLPjczOxMIo
HABITS CAN UPGRADE YOUR LIFE#123 -17-JUN-22. We are habitual creatures and about 50% of the time we are following our regular habits, Habits affect what we eat, if we exercise, what we learn, and how much sleep. Find the video at https://youtu.be/fMJoPaUq1BQ
OLDER/YOUNGER GENERATIONS#122 -10-JUN-22. This video shares information about how the older generation can assist the younger generation to find their voices and make the world a better place. Please share it with anyone who could be interested in helping our youth. Find the video at https://youtu.be/WdCjrODu27w
HAVING ENOUGH#121 -3-JUN-22. ‘Having enough’ can be very liberating. Spending time chasing job promotions, money, and more possessions can become an endless treadmill. When we have enough, we can spend our time doing things we like and enjoy. Find the video at https://youtu.be/dwTtbMMu_z8
CIRCUS & COLLABORATION#120 -27-MAY-22. I traveled to California and watched my two granddaughters and daughter participate in the Great All American Youth Circus. The circus members “enjoy a non-competitive environment that encourages them to connect and collaborate with their peers.” Find the video at https://youtu.be/dHDPNVJ7-As
TRAVELLING -Video#119 -20-MAY-22. When I started these videos in early 2022, I did not expect it to be over two years before I would travel again. I enjoy meeting people around the world but do not enjoy the touristy aspects. Find the video at https://youtu.be/T5M3BGlTHCY
GROWING OLD -Video#118 -13-MAY-22. We all grow old and it cannot be avoided. What we can do is change our objectives from when we were younger to those that suit the strengths we have gained as we grow older. Find the video at https://youtu.be/5P3qjuAGJ2o
THE SANDWICH METHOD -Video#117 -6-MAY-22. The Sandwich Method is a mindful, sensitive communication strategy that can transform relationships. This approach can be applied when making requests and giving feedback to a partner, friends, family, and coworkers. Find the video at https://youtu.be/036olPsrEgo
THE WORLD OF ELON MUSK -Video#116 -29-APR-22. This is a shortened presentation about the world of Elon Musk which gave a month ago. We can learn about passionate projects, problem-solving, and persistence from Elon Musk. Find the video at https://youtu.be/J7spNvJU-gY
NOT FURIOUS, BUT CURIOUS -Video#115 -22-APR-22. Instead of becoming furious, if we take time out and become curious, we can often prevent and solve problems. This thought started with a speech a youth gave about getting revenge when someone stole her pencil case. Find the video at https://youtu.be/J3O4oTF6DWY
DANCING IN ETHIOPIA -Video#114 -15-APR-22. Dancing was discussed recently and I realized the last time I danced was in Adis Ababa, Ethiopia in 2012. I also included some dancing at a wedding we attended in the Omo Valley in southern Ethiopia. Find the video at https://youtu.be/KZE_KQo3sao
OPERATIC ODDITIES-2017 -Video#113 -8-APR-22. It’s time for a little levity instead of serious topics. This video shows some fun I participated in when a friend and I sang a duet at his wife’s birthday in 2017. Find the video at https://youtu.be/0ajAJlZIq9w
EMERGENCY SUPPORT SERVICES -Video#112 -31-MAR-22. This video reviews the rewards of helping others. Belonging to a group of volunteers in Emergency Support Services since 2009 has made me understand how rewarding it is to help others. Find the video at https://youtu.be/dqSMs8ipK78
THE SWEET SPOT -Video#111 -25-MAR-22. According to the book, ‘The Sweet Spot.’ instead of avoiding discomfort, we need to find the right discomfort. Some challenges help us appreciate what we have. You can find the video at https://youtu.be/MyynDxYNOIM
COMMUNICATION & LEADERSHIP FROM UKRAINE -Video#110 -18-MAR-22. The outstanding communication and leadership of Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelinksi are inspirational. It is these skills that we assist our youth and members of Agora Speakers to obtain so they will become communicators and confident leaders. You can find the video at https://youtu.be/HeZurp0DVy8
NOW WHAT? War? -Video#109 -11-MAR-22. The current war in Ukraine is going to impact all of us. What can we do to help? Find the video at https://youtu.be/LZYLH4B59rI
MONEY=Independence & Autonomy -Video#108 -4-MAR-22. Money is a game for me. Spending less than I earn is the game I play. This gives me a great deal of independence and autonomy to do what I want to do. Find the video at https://youtu.be/Vj9ckDi7OPw
UBUNTU -The African Tradition -Video#107 -25-FEB-22. After traveling extensively in Africa, I realized the community was important. UBUNTU, an African tradition represents elements as respect, community, sharing, caring, trust, unselfishness, and helpfulness. Find the video at https://youtu.be/09JjgNEqOrY
NOT YET! -Video#106 -18-FEB-22. “Not Yet!,” is a phrase introduced in the 2014 TedTalk of Professor Carol Dweck entitled, “The power of believing that you can improve.” The Growth Mindset is one from which we can all practice and benefit. Find the video at https://youtu.be/sjq2irKPjlM
THE 5 REGRETS -Video#105 -11-FEB-22. For many years I carried a card “The 5 Regrets of the Dying” which was noted by an Australian palliative nurse, Bronnie Ware in 2009. It is interesting to notice what people regret about their lives and this makes us think about how we live our lives. Find the video at https://youtu.be/zK02vR_1Zvo
FINDING YOUR POTENTIAL -Video#104 -4-FEB-22. I was reminded of the core competencies that can help us thrive when I reviewed a book, “Letters To A Young Athlete.” It is these core abilities that help us reach our potential. Find the video at https://youtu.be/vz–nijXFww
MINIMALISM -Is It For You? -Video#103 -28-JAN-22. I find I now live a minimalist live since starting house/pet sitting in 2017. There are advantages such as more time, more money, more freedom, and less stress. You might want to explore this lifestyle. Find the video at https://youtu.be/L9ZuRtR8h-M
BURIED ARTIFACTS -Video#102 -21-JAN-22. As a nomad, I have items that never see the light of day. This video uncovers some of these items that likely would be of interest to future descendants. Find this video at https://youtu.be/iE9LUKlmDYk
CLIPPINGS -1962 to 1972 -Video#101 -14-JAN-22. We keep certain items such as newspaper and magazine clippings about my time from 1962 when I left Canada and backpacked to South Africa and worked on the gold mines. Find this video at https://youtu.be/6tjkxsyxlKA
HOW DO WE LEARN THIS? -Video#100 -7-JAN-22. This video outlines many common problems we face and asks the question if you know of any approaches on how we learn to cope with such challenges? Find this video at https://youtu.be/xim0UEF-a5o
THUNDER BAY -THE HOITO -Video#99 -29-DEC-21. This video revisits Thunder Bay where I spent my first thirteen and a half years. Most of my living relatives are there. A landmark there is the Hoito restaurant which started in 1918. I share some thoughts and memories about Thunder Bay. Find this video at https://youtu.be/W-9q6dSSrk0
1971 CANADA TRIP -Part 2 -Video#98 -22-DEC-21. This video is the second half of the 1971 road trip. This part covers the trip from Thunder Bay to Niagara Falls, Toronto, Ottawa, and Montreal. Also, it ends with scenes spotlighting the children. Find this video at https://youtu.be/5TfCZcNHlhk
1971 CANADA TRIP -Part 1 -Video#97 -16-DEC-21. After being absent from Canada since 1962, nine years later I returned to Canada with my young family. I made some movies and this part is about the 3600 km trip from Vancouver to Thunder Bay, Ontario. Find this video at https://youtu.be/CZB3NKYECKc
MY DREAM -Video#96 -8-DEC-21. In a recent dream, I shared a message with a group of young people. This encouraged me to share my dream of assisting the younger generation to gain communication and collaboration skills. Find the video at https://youtu.be/eaNYnGEQTc0
LIVING LONGER -Video#95 -1-DEC-21. A recent comment made me realize that I have outlived my parents by over a decade now. I review some of my approaches that may be contributing to enable to live longer. Find the video at https://youtu.be/y0wB7Bsxo2E
FIRES & FLOODS -What’s Next? -Video#94 -25-NOV-21. The world is being impacted by extraordinary weather causing incidents like fires and floods. Here in British Columbia, we had wildfires and now four months later we have had flooding and landslides closing down our province. What are the steps we can take to help us cope with all the challenges we are facing around the world? Find the video at https://youtu.be/mDEBbXdvsEE
MINING, NOT MILITARY SERVICE -Video#93 -17-NOV-21. Recently as we celebrated our military veterans, it made me think about the over 15 years I spent on the gold mines in South Africa. It was a hierarchical organization with Mine Captains and General Managers. It was also dangerous. Find the video at https://youtu.be/aZ_udSPaTdQ
COLLABORATION vs COMPETITION -Video#92 -11-NOV-21. There have been some recent activities that reminded me why I think we need more collaboration and less cooperation in the world. I share some of my thoughts and suggest that you might find the TedTalk of Charles C. Mann of interest. His title is, “How will we survive when the population hits 10 billion?” Find the video at https://youtu.be/sfDlm9sdBWc
MY CHARIOT, CHARLIE -Video#91 -3-NOV-21. In this video, I introduce you to my faithful and trustworthy chariot, Charlie. He is my 1994 Toyota Corolla station wagon that has been with me for ten years and I use to move my belongings from place to place. Find the video at https://youtu.be/euJtW2xxvVA
REMEMBER WHEN CAMERAS USED FILM? -Video#90 -27-OCT-21. When I was young, I enjoyed photography and often brought my camera with me. In this video, I share some black and white photographs I processed in a darkroom and also show some photographs I took in New York in 1962 which are the only ones for which I was paid. Find the video at https://youtu.be/wnIsGjTSyb0
A NOMAD’S NUTRITION -Video#89 -20-OCT-21. It is now over 40 years since I started having blender meals after having met an American in South Africa. I share the current contents of my concoction and discuss some challenges of eating properly. Find the video at https://youtu.be/gh2-uLugAUo
ROWING MARATHONS -Video#88 -14-OCT-21. I reconnected with my rowing machine after a 12-day separation. As a result, I have five days left to contribute some more rowing meters in the Concept2 Fall Challenge for the Ancient Mariner team. Find the video at https://youtu.be/5upRpiOIt5A
SALT SPRING ISLAND -Video#87 -6-OCT-21. This week my friend and I went to Salt Spring Island on his boat the Sea Holly. We had a relaxing time reminiscing about our previous adventures. Find the video at https://youtu.be/E1dGLF8bel8
NO FACEBOOK – A BABY BOOK -Video#86 -29-SEP-21. In 1942 there was no Facebook to track a youngster’s progress. I recently uncovered a baby book kept by my mother which may be of interest to my future descendants. Find the video at https://youtu.be/bed7U6XC1iI
FOREST BATHING & KITCHEN BLINDS -Video#85 -22-SEP-21. I have been enjoying the opportunity to do daily ‘forest bathing.’ This is known as ‘shinrin yoku’ in Japan. Also, the automated kitchen blinds have become disarranged. Find the video at https://youtu.be/VT4_jlFEfoA
THE DOG & CAT TICKET -Video#84 -15-SEP-21. I am staying in a luxurious house because there is a dog and cat that require company. We live in an interesting world as this shows how important our pets can become. Find the video at https://youtu.be/ClDwxmaDzf0
BEING RESPONSIBLE -Video#83 -8-SEP-21. This video reviews that being a responsible person can lead to success. Being responsible raises our self-esteem, improves relationships, and increases our trust with others. Find the video at https://youtu.be/EWEtfraBQ4M
COMMUNICATION & CHILDREN -Video#82 -1-SEP-21. If children learn to communicate, it has a positive impact on their lives when they enter adulthood. I have moved to a new place this week and should be moving again next week. Find the video at https://youtu.be/XBN8cqn3jic
THE 1940s -Video#81 -26-AUG-21. Recently, I had the opportunity to review a photo album that my mother created in the 1940s. This video contains some of the photos from that time which shows some of the fashion and cars during the 1940s Find the video at https://youtu.be/ieLa60fB0zE
MY DAD -Video#80 -19-AUG-21. This video discusses my dad which might be of interest to my grandchildren and future descendants. He was a gentle soul, who loved fishing. I think that love kept him grounded. Find the video at https://youtu.be/1oSEWNRNazg
COURAGE -Video#79 -11-AUG-21. Courage is something for my grandchildren and future descendants need to consider. “Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage” is a quote from authour, Anais Nin. With all the challenges we face, courage is an attribute that can affect our lives. Find the video at https://youtu.be/D28k9gS2au4
THE BEGINNING AND CHANGES -Video#78 -6-AUG-21. I am back at the location at which I recorded the first video in February 2020. A lot has changed since then and I note some of the very noticeable changes. You can find the video at https://youtu.be/HVRqNyqiYlo
EAST SOOKE & THE BABAMOBILE -Video#77 -28-JUL-21. This video reviews my latest move to East Sooke. I am looking after a dog, ‘Baba’ and a cat, ‘Yogi.’ You can find the video at https://youtu.be/DSCZyk1oCJo
YOUTHQUAKE -Video#76 -21-JUL-21. The word “Youthquake’ refers to changes due to the influence of young people. This word came to mind when discussing forthcoming speech contests at Agora Speaker International’s convention. Find the video at https://youtu.be/acntzMH9NfM
CALL CENTER & PETS -Video#75 -15-JUL-21. This week’s update is on the wildfires and Emergency Support Services call center here in British Columbia and looking after four dogs. Find the video at https://youtu.be/0g4uayzsVXI
WILDFIRES -Video#74 -7-JUL-21. The wildfires in British Columbia have started with a vengeance. This has resulted in me assisting in the Emergency Support Services call centre here in Victoria responding to phone calls from a variety of people affected. Find the video at https://youtu.be/gNM8yfFu2rk
BACK TO THE FUTURE -Video#73 -1-JUL-21. After over 15 months we are starting to open up and meet face-to-face. I note why I am grateful to have been on Vancouver Island since March 2020. Also, next week as people start to travel, I start the first pet/house sitting gig since we closed down last year. Find the video at https://youtu.be/mMBTsc85xg4
REDONES.CA WEBSITE -Video#72 -23-JUN-21. I am asking for your help to spread the word about the RedOnes.ca website that I have created. It is for anyone who is interested in helping youth gain confidence and find their voice. Find the video at https://youtu.be/73TswjRW_Ko
MASTERING HUMAN RELATIONSHIPS -Video#71 -16-JUN-21. In a note to my grandson, I mentioned the important art of mastering human relationships. He is a very sociable person and this skill can lead to success and happiness. I refer to a well-known book that most of know about. Find the video at https://youtu.be/_uAWv97nBS0
WHO – SERVE – EXCELLENCE -Video#70 -9-JUN-21. This video was triggered by a video Oprah Winfrey made years ago where she passes on three important practices to a college graduating class. I think these points are excellent about knowing who you are, find a way to serve, and do the right thing. Find the video at https://youtu.be/vkbT2AF88gQ
PETS, PEOPLE, PLACES -Video#69 -3-JUNE-21. It appears that pet/house sitting might be starting up again after the past 14 months. I review some of what I have discovered about pet/house sitting since I started about 4 years ago. Find the video at https://youtu.be/u7MgYfs9dkQ
WELCOME FRED! -Video#68 -26-MAY-21. After almost seven months on my friend’s boat, I have moved to a friend’s place for a while. The message this time is that we cannot do everything ourselves. Having others in our lives is an important part of our lives. Find the video at https://youtu.be/RUXTBM4Cj7o
COMMON GROUND -Video#67 -19-MAY-21. This video is about avoiding competition and implementing cooperation. By finding common ground with others and working on solutions together, we can make a substantial impact on the world’s problems. Find the video at https://youtu.be/3YUz-V5BCwc
OUR FUTURE LEADERS -Video#66 -12-MAY-21. Helping our youth gain communication skills has become my mission since I left the workforce and became a nomad in 2017. Currently, I am working on setting up a pilot project on How to Start a Youth Club. If you know of anyone who might be interested in this project, please share this video with them. Find the video at https://youtu.be/CAmKAdymL8w
PROJECT MANAGEMENT -Video#65 -5-MAY-21. This video ends the journey about the jobs I have had. The last job was selling a project management product over the internet for over 10 years. All the changes in my life have enabled me to adapt and not fear change. Find the video at https://youtu.be/eF-nhi7GBpE
HEADHUNTING -Video#64 -28-APR-21. After leaving Datagram, I moved into the recruiting or headhunting business. I started my own business in 1989 and worked from home for 15 years and networked with other recruiters in North America. Find the video at https://youtu.be/mBsb-6DlfkM
NOT WANTED/DATAGRAM -Video#63 -21-APR-21. After leaving NCR Comten, it was off to sell Datagram’s data compression devices. However, I and the other new salesperson discovered that we were not wanted by the local sales manager. Find the video at https://youtu.be/50uo9GQedA0
FRONT END PROCESSORS -Video#62 -14-APR-21. In 1985 I left South Africa and returned to Canada after being away for 23 years. In Toronto, I found work as a salesperson for NCR Comten. We sold front-end processors to IBM mainframe users. These devices interface peripheral devices like terminals, printers, disk, and tape units to the mainframe computer. Find the video at https://youtu.be/gRRnDwIsWAw
SELLING SAS -Video#61 -7-APR-21. After selling minicomputers, I was approached by two ex-Control Data employees who had the agency for SAS analytics software used for decision making. This company is enormously successful. It is the largest privately held software company in the world. It treats its customers and employees extremely well. It was the best sales experience I ever had. Find the video at https://youtu.be/U6niQhXCBDM
WHAT’S A MINICOMPUTER? -Video#60 -31-MAR-21. This video illustrates how much the world has changed since I sold PR1ME minicomputers 40 years ago in the early 1980s. This makes you think how much the world has changed and is going to change in the next 40 years. Find the video at https://youtu.be/bSN178esoUI
THE MILLION-DOLLAR COMPUTER -Video#59 -23-MAR-21. In 1979, when I left the gold mining industry in South Africa, I joined Control Data Corporation’s Cybernet Services to sell computer services to the mining industry in South Africa. I share some pictures of what the million-dollar-plus computer looked like in those days. Find the video at https://youtu.be/kgGXwr5T2qE
ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY -Video #58 -17-MAR-21. It has been one year since the COVID-19 shutdown was announced here. I review what might be happening this year and the big question is, “when should I get a haircut?” Find the video at https://youtu.be/frLUc82Z4ag
INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY -Video#57 -8-MAR-21. Some thoughts on International Women’s Day which started around 1909. There has been lots of progress and still more needed for women’s rights. Find the video at https://youtu.be/CjCbDcvMIwg
ROSIE’S GANG REUNION -Video#56 -1-MAR-21. During the past weekend, we had a reunion of some of the overland travelers who were on ‘Rosie, the overland truck. My daughter, Alexis, and I traveled for 4 months with this gang from Capetown to Cairo. Find the video at https://youtu.be/5LIw18eZlgk
HATS -Video#55 -24-FEB-21. This video is about why I wear hats, some places I have worn hats, and some of the hats I wear. Find the video at https://youtu.be/LlS0KikZLaQ
THE SLIGHT EDGE -Video#54 -16-FEB-21. There has been lots of cold weather including snow throughout the northern hemisphere this past week. I share the power of small choices when we are able to change some bad habits to good habits. This is what can lead to success. (This tip is especially for my grandchildren.) Find this video at https://youtu.be/-HzWKtManTw
“GOOD” -Video#53 -9-FEB-21. This video starts with a view of the overland truck ‘Rosie’ in Africa, then talk about the cold weather in the northern hemisphere, and why the word “Good” can be used in a positive manner. Find this video at https://youtu.be/pVkpAfilSpA
FIRST ANNIVERSARY -Video#52 -2-FEB-21. This is the first anniversary of the Notes of a Nomad videos. It was one year ago that I created the first video. I was not aware of the pandemic at that time. I show the Notes of a Nomad website where you can find a list of all the videos. Find this video at https://youtu.be/Fw4wYqhWx10
LIFELONG LEARNING -Video#51 -25-JAN-21 This video starts with a short video of me attempting to dance with some Ethiopians in 2012. I then mention lifelong learning and some of it benefits. Find the videos at https://youtu.be/4pF3YLOl8XA
LAUGH & NOISE -Video#50 -18-JAN-21. In this video, I share how the words ‘laugh’ and ‘noise’ connected with me. Find the video at https://youtu.be/-1iOIQXUXbA
BE USEFUL -Video#49 11-JAN-21. We start with a short trip to Istanbul and then end up with how the motto, “Be Useful” is great to put into practice. Please reach out to me if you have any comments, questions, or suggestions. Find the video at https://youtu.be/zBVQWmKif3I
IMAGINE THE POSSIBILITIES -Video#48 -4-JAN-21. Today I remember being in Tasmania exactly three years ago visiting a historical penal colony where some frightful activities occurred including a more recent event in 1996 which impacted Australia overall. Find the video at https://youtu.be/gfxF46pDh7I
THUNDER BAY AND AWAY -Video#47 -29-DEC-20. I lived in Thunder Bay in Northern Ontario, Canada until I was 13 years old when our family moved to Vancouver. I believe this move had a very big influence on me. Find the video at https://youtu.be/EgT9pk4AOp4
DISCIPLINE EQUALS FREEDOM -Video#46 -21-DEC-20. Today is the winter solstice. I review some of what I have been doing one this day over the years including being ‘rescued’ by the ski patrol in Switzerland. I also discuss the mantra, “‘Discipline equals freedom.” Find the video at https://youtu.be/4z6TfA9O7bM
EARN YOUR FREEDOM -Video#45 -14-DEC-20. This video gets philosophical and mentions why being a nomad is a mindset on how you spend your time. It’s about what interests you, such as people, places, and things. that you explore. Please reach out to me if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions. I always look forward to hearing from you. Find the video at https://youtu.be/zsy_nCcAf48
HELP FINDING ZALDO -Video#44 -7-DEC-20. Need your help to find a person or persons in North America who has a connection in education to help with a pilot project of introducing a simple and easy problem-solving approach to youth. Hope to find someone before the end of December 2020. If you know of anyone, please reach out to me. You can find the video at https://youtu.be/pcT-NGmPkBc
SOLVE PROBLEMS -Video#43 -29-NOV-20. When we learn to solve problems, we can create a lot of value in the world, assist other people, and gain self-satisfaction in our lives. Find the video at https://youtu.be/vER9kAUkrFM
MEETINGS AND SOUP -Video#42 -22-NOV-20. This video shares stories about some meetings that kept me entertained and involved over the past few days and my feelings about soup. Find the video at https://youtu.be/b_GaWmtCjFk
MUMBLINGS FROM THE BOAT -Video#41 -15-NOV-20. This video contains mumblings in my beard after being over two weeks back on the boat. I review why the boat works well for me and some thoughts about what to do after the boat such as traveling and tiny houses. Find the video at https://youtu.be/Dfo1umtv1A0
GRIT & QUIT -Video #40 -8-NOV-20. In this video, I reflect on two words that can impact our lives. Having grit and knowing when to quit can be effectively applied during our lifetimes.Find the video at https://youtu.be/ji4hvjQ8-QE
THE WEEK THAT WAS -Video #39 -1-NOV-20. This video is simple with no philosophical comments. Just about what has been happening this week in my small world. It is mainly for family and friends to know what has been keeping me occupied. Find the video at https://youtu.be/FZsZMleCo9s
TRANSITIONS & CHANGES -Video #38 -25-OCT-20. How have you coped with the challenges that life throws at you, including COVID-19? Today the topic is about learning to navigate life’s many challenges.. We have many disruptive changes over the course of our lives and it is how we respond that can make a big difference. Find the video at https://youtu.be/SYzBFitk4fo
DIG DEEPER -Video #37 -17-OCT-20. If we dig deeper, we can make the world a better place. Our lives are short and precious. It is important that we spend it being happy, so dig deeper. Find the video at https://youtu.be/53bQBEekU3I
STOP AND ENJOY THE VIEW -Video #36 -10-OCT-20. It’s Thanksgiving in Canada. In this video, I share some of the reasons I am grateful for living on Vancouver Island on the west coast of Canada. Find the video at https://youtu.be/DquDM97ny4A
GOOD HABITS TO GOOD GOALS -Video #35 -2-OCT-20. This video covers routines that can help us to reach the goals/dreams we have. A recent book has helped me realize that if you have good habits, the goals take care of themselves. Find the video at https://youtu.be/R4oBSpYguPE
TO FASTEDDY -Video #34 -27-SEP-20. Last week, members of our old Rover Scout Crew went to visit FastEddy in Kamloops, British Columbia. We share lots of food, played cards, and had lots of laughs as always. I think we can all learn some good lessons from FastEddy. Find the video at https://youtu.be/MmcZoLRyxtU
THE DAY I DIED -Video #33 -17-SEP-20. In this video, I become a little philosophical about life and show some pictures from the past. This was triggered by a letter I recently received from the Canadian government. Find the video at https://youtu.be/dTdhO33nqVc
THRIVE & SURVIVE IN CHALLENGING TIMES -Video #32 -12-SEP-20. In these interesting times, we look at surviving and thriving. If we approach it with fun, passion, humor, and style we will not only survive but thrive. This topic gives me the opportunity to show a few pictures from Africa and wear a strange hat. Find the video at https://youtu.be/vsOSxXTxP1Q
THE CREW’S CRUISE -Video #31 -7-SEP-2020. This week my scouting friends from 60 years ago went for a boat trip as mentioned in the previous video. I talk about what we did and saw and also mention some contact with Agora Speaker International for which I am an Ambassador for Canada. Find the video at https://youtu.be/T3Q660AWUyA
ON THE SALISH SEA WITH FRIENDS -Video #30 -28-AUG-2020. This week 3 old friends from our boy scouting days from over 50 years ago are going on a boat trip around the Salish Sea. This is where cook for each other, play cards, and reminisce about our youth and lives. The video shows some pictures from our previous trips. Find the video at https://youtu.be/zR3aEV569n8
YOUTH MANUALS -Around the World -Video #29 -22 AUG- 2020. This past week was an exciting week with the release of the three youth club manuals on which Ravi in Nepal and I have been working. Since it was the 4th-anniversary 24-hour round-the-world marathon of Agora Speakers International, it was a great time to release the manuals. Find the video at https://youtu.be/8scs-yELK5w
GOING BACK 4 YEARS -Video #28 -16-AUG-2020. This video recalls what I was doing in August over the past 4 years from when I started my journey as a nomad. Find the video at https://youtu.be/TGG2LlQUpiI
CHAOS – Action Takes Courage -Video #27 -8-AUG-2020. The chaos of life is always been with us. Currently, it appears there are more changes that require more action. Action takes courage. We start with pictures of the Columbia Icefields in the Canadian Rockies. Find the video at https://youtu.be/oIkruoS-sDU
ATTITUDE of a Nomad -Video #26 -1-AUG-2020. In this video, I show some photos from the Okavango River Delta in Botswana Africa. I also discuss what I have learned from living a nomadic lifestyle and the attitude it genders, Find the video at https://youtu.be/vyF9Ivb8Dsg
APPRECIATE -Be Thankful -Video #25 -25-JUL-2020. In this video, I share a few pictures from the luxurious Blue Train in South Africa. The contrast of that to camping makes us appreciate more what we do have instead of taking everything for granted. Find the video at https://youtu.be/uiBlszp7hb8
RESPECT -Can Change the World -Video #24 -20 JUL 2020. Respect which has been defined as a feeling you show when you accept that different customs or cultures are different from your own and behave towards them in a way that would cause offence. If we all practiced respect it would have a powerful impact on the world. Find the video at https://youtu.be/lHbVX1Y0ygE
GOOD, BAD, UGLY -Video #23 -10-JUL-2020. This video shows three spots visited in 2019 in the southern California desert which might be classified as Good or Bad or Ugly. These terms can be attributed to many aspects of life and I contend one of our tasks is to find the good ones. Find the video at https://youtu.be/cxdQqfcfWQk
LIFELONG LEARNING – A Key and Fun Skill -Video #22 -2-JUL-2020. Lifelong learning is a key skill for all ages. As the world is changing lifelong learning enhances the quality and satisfaction of life. Ongoing and self-motivated learning makes us more self-confident and adaptable to change. It is also fun. Find the video at https://youtu.be/gyYjuLs14Sc
ELEPHANTS & MENTORING -Video #21 -19-JUN-2020. Riding elephants in Africa and the older looking after the young. This makes me review how the older and younger generations can mentor each other. Find the video at https://youtu.be/rVJnDdez9Bk
ETHIOPIA & EXPLORE -Video #20 -12-JUN-2020. Ethiopia was the most interesting African country of the approximate twelve countries that we visited during the four month trip from southern to northern Africa in 2012. Also, I mention why we should ‘explore’ our inner motivation as well. Find the video at https://youtu.be/IEA9mtg3l20
WELL-BETTER-BEST & LEADERSHIP -Video #19 -4-JUN-2020. Working with groups of youth has shown me that diversity and cooperation are elements of leadership. Also the ‘formula’ of Well-Better-Best works well when reviewing progress on projects. You can find the presentation on Leadership which I presented in Portugal in September 2019 at a link on the video description. Find the video at https://youtu.be/hQC06roBeHQ
TEACHING BALLROOM IN AFRICA -Video #18 -29-MAY-2020. The example of working with young people in Cape Town, South Africa. Ballroom dancing to teach persistence and resistance leading to funding of their education is a wonderful example of youth programs. Find the video at https://youtu.be/e9COjlrDmIM
COMMUNITY & COVID-19 -Video #17 -21-MAY 2020. This video takes us to the historical wildfire season in British Columbia in 2017 and some lessons that can apply to the current COVID-19 pandemic. Find the video at https://youtu.be/zNMuVama6xE
GO WITH THE FLOW -Video #16 – 14-MAY-2020. This video shows a picture of a Nile Riverboat (which no longer operate) in Khartoum, Sudan. I took this picture in 2012. It brings back memories of going up the Nile river in 1963 for 10 days to Juba in southern Sudan. Our third class ticket meant we were on a barge towed by the riverboat for a distance of approximately 1800 km. Find the video at https://youtu.be/6GnkaQVdgGQ
WESTERN CAPE SOUTH AFRICA & Our Outlook -Video #15 -8-MAY-2020. In this video we have a few pictures from 2012 in the Western Cape in South Africa and the outlook and skills of being a nomad. Find the video at https://youtu.be/0UeWknYSGO0
I GOT LOST AND REFLECTIONS -Video #14 -30-APRIL-2020. This video is about how and why I ended up in South Africa and spending 22 years there. Also some reflections on being in British Columbia during the current pandemic. Find the video at https://youtu.be/08QqNzmJsnQ
TO THE ARCTIC-1974 & Earth Day 2020 -Video #13 -22-APRIL-2020. On this Earth Day 2020, a few pictures from a trip to the Arctic in 1974 during the 10th Commonwealth Mining Congress. Still isolated on the boat. Find the video at https://youtu.be/7sWJ5LO82dg
LINGUA FRANCA – “FANAGALO” -Rowing and Zoom -Video #12 -15-APRIL-2020. Thank you to Craig for asking about the lingua France, “Fanagalo” which was used in the mining industry in the 1960’s and 70’s when I worked on the gold mines in South Africa. I am still on the boat for a while at least. Find the video at https://youtu.be/9kzr-Jdelhw
MINING GHOSTS and Youth Program manuals -Video #11 -12-APRIL-2020. Ghosts on the gold mine and working on the boat to create a manual for Youth Clubs with Ravi in Nepal. Happy Easter! Find the video at https://youtu.be/71eXff-JXxQ
ROWING ON THE BOAT & BEING GRATEFUL -Video #10 -1-APRIL-2020. Share some pictures of the boat and rowing on the boat. Also why I am grateful to be in Canada, for my friends and family and my work and plans to help children communicate online. Find the video at https://youtu.be/o7_uFdHK7Yo
MINING AND THE NEW NORMAL -Video #9 -24-MARCH-2020. More about gold mining in the 1960 and 1970’s in South Africa. Also that we will need to adapt to the New Normal. Find the video at https://youtu.be/QPjtNd19_8g
THE WEEK THAT EVERYTHING CHANGED -Video #8 -18-MARCH-2020. After 7 weeks back in Canada, everything changed. I start with a few pictures from the gold mines in 1964 then talk about the changes, what is happening currently in Canada and what my current plans are. Find the video at https://youtu.be/8Wfk_5C3Xe8
HOW INDOOR ROWING AFFECTS ME -Video #7 -10-MARCH-2020. On March 4th I entered the World Rowing Virtual Indoor Sprints which are a virtual indoor rowing championship run jointly by Concept2 and World Rowing. To take part you just need to row 1000 meters, My results were Time: 4:06.0 and Final Position Overall for Lwt Men: 617 out of 862 and for 70-79 Lwt Men: 17 out of 48 I share some pictures from when I entered the World Indoor Championships held in Boston in February 2008 as well. Most people are not aware that such a competition exists. Find the video at https://youtu.be/ivyTO2GcNBY
COMPETITIONS AND COOPERATION -Video #6 -1-MARCH-2020. Thanks to some suggestions from friends I am sharing a couple of pictures and also have a theme about competitions and cooperation. Wishing you lots of love and laughter (also from Rupert). Find the video at https://youtu.be/em5jU7CpWr8
MORE CONTACTS WITH FRIENDS -Video #5 -23-FEB-2020. Third week back in Victoria BC Canada after two and a half months in Australia. Lots of contacts with friends and meetings. Sorry, no cameo by Rupert this time. Find the video at https://youtu.be/P3UGsDl5JFM
CONTACTS WITH FRIENDS AND FAMILY -Video #4 -16-FEB-2020. This is what happened in the second full week back in Canada for two and a half months in Australia. Mainly keeping in contact with friends, competed in Toastmasters competitions, and rowed on the Concept2 machine. Find the video at https://youtu.be/EYpx5mC327g
FIRST WEEK BACK IN VICTORIA, CANADA -Video #3 -9-FEB-2020. This is what I have been up to for my first week back in Victoria, BC Canada after returning from Melbourne, Australia. Find the video at https://youtu.be/WLgmiHUVcys
AUSTRALIA TO CANADA -Video #2 -2 FEB-2020. A Notes of a Nomad update for 2 February 2020 covering my last week in Australia, the trip back to Victoria, BC Canada and what I am doing now that I am back in Canada. Find the video at https://youtu.be/KhaO7-ve0Jw
INTRODUCTION -Video #1 -5-FEB-2020. This is the first Notes of a Nomad video from Fred Jones. It is an introduction as to who I am, what I am doing as I live a nomadic lifestyle at an elderly age. I have done this for the past 3 years and realize that what I am currently doing is going well. Find the video at https://youtu.be/4mF9k4cANg0