Tag Archives: Notes of a Nomad
NOTES of a NOMAD #260 -Communications -Artificial Intelligence, Politics, Social Media -5 February 2025
I attended a recent meeting about “Promises vs Reality -Artificial Intelligence, Politics, and Social Media.”
Since I like to look at items through my interest in how good communication can affect us, here are some thoughts.
Listening well leads to understanding, which can help us communicate better.
I am an elderly nomad who shares my thoughts and activities in this changing world.
Please contact me with your comments, questions, and suggestions.
NOTES of a NOMAD #259 -Facing Challenges -30 January 2025
We are facing increasing challenges, such as the tariffs that the USA is about to impose on Canada.
But there are silver linings we can find in many challenges.
My voice is still raspy, but it is a work in progress.
Please contact me with your comments, questions, and suggestions.
NOTES of a NOMAD #258 -Find Your Voice, Use Your Voice -22-January 2025
My voice has partially reappeared, so this week you can hear my raspy voice when I discuss the importance of finding and using our voices.
We are facing many changes such as Artificial Intelligence, climate change, and political changes.
We must discuss and work with others to find the best ways to cope with all these changes and improve our world.
Please contact me with your comments, questions, and suggestions.
NOTES of a NOMAD #257 -A Hospital Visit -16-January 2025.
I have not spent a night in a hospital for over fifty years. This week I saw a doctor about my persistent cough and “fat leg.”
The result was two nights in hospital.
After many tests, it appears that I have a blood clot (Deep Vein Thrombosis) in my right leg.
Also, I lost my voice due to the cough, so I had to use text-to-speech in this video.
Please contact me with your comments, questions, or suggestions.
NOTES of a NOMAD #256 -Desiderata -6 January 2025
In 1971 on the hit parade was a recording of the poem “Desiderata” written by Max Ehrmann in 1927.
Desiderata (Latin: “things desired”) delivers wisdom and guidance, offering directions on how to navigate life with grace, integrity and inner peace.
Search the Internet for copies of the poem and recordings.
In this new year, I hope you can practice some of the ideas of this poem and find peace and contentment.
Please contact me with your comments, questions, and suggestions.
NOTES of a NOMAD #255 -A Wonderful Year. So Grateful! -30 December 2024
It has been a wonderful year, and I have so much to be grateful for, such as travel and people!
If you are interested in a list of my videos with links you can find that at https://www.notesofanomad.ca/ list-of-posted-videos/
Please reach out to me with your comments, questions, and suggestions.
NOTES of a NOMAD #254 -Kidnapped? -23 December 2024
In the past week in Melbourne, I was put in a car and ten hours later arrived somewhere north of Melbourne and south of Sydney on the South Coast of New South Wales.
It has been an enjoyable time meeting and catching up with people who I have not seen for years.
Please feel free to contact me with your comments, questions, and suggestions.
NOTES of a NOMAD #253 -Retire From Your Job, Not From Life -15 December 2024
Life never stops and retirement is just the beginning of a new phase of life.
We review some approaches that can positively impact extending your life for a decade or more.
Please contact me with your comments, questions, and suggestions.
NOTES of a NOMAD #252 -Like Hugh Jackman -8 December 2024
I listened to the actor Hugh Jackman highly recommend the Concept2 indoor rowing machine.
As I have been using these machines for over 20 years, I can only agree.
They offer many benefits, such as strengthening and toning the upper and lower body and improving power and endurance.
Please get in touch with me with your comments, questions, and suggestions.
NOTES of a NOMAD #251 -Welcome to 2034! -1 December 2024
Robots, drones, and smart technology driven by artificial intelligence are about to have an enormous impact on our world.
I will share with you some ideas on what you can expect in the next ten years and think about the year 2034.
Please contact me with your comments, questions, and suggestions.
NOTES of a NOMAD #250 -Community Hubs -24 November 2024
I arrived in Melbourne ten days ago, listened to podcasts, and joined international meetings where friendship, mentorship, and leadership were mentioned.
The suggestion to create community-based friendship and mentorship hubs would assist in tackling mental health and civility issues.
Please contact me with your comments, questions, and suggestions.
NOTES of a NOMAD #249 -Canada to Australia -17 November 2024
This past week I left the Sea Holly behind in the Ladysmith Marina and am now settled in the pool house at my daughter’s home in Melbourne.
The trip was long but all went well.
Please contact me with your comments, questions, and suggestions.
NOTES of a NOMAD #248 -A Free Effective Presentation Template -10 November 2024
I recently shared a Template for Effective Presentations with a group who need to give presentations occasionally.
The purpose of this template is to assist those who need a checklist/guide to review as they create and present their presentation.
Please share this template with anyone you think might be interested in keeping it on file to assist them when they are preparing a presentation.
The template can be found at the link included in the description below the video.
Please contact me with your comments, questions, and suggestions.
NOTES of a NOMAD #247 -Why am I Here? -4 November 2024
The more things we try, the more likely we can stumble upon what we enjoy.
This can help us find our purpose and realise why we are here.
Please contact me with your comments, questions, and suggestions.
NOTES of a NOMAD #246 -Starting is the Hardest Part -28 October 2024
There are days when we don’t feel like doing some of the things we want to do.
If we just start going to that meeting, start that exercise, save that money, and look for that new job, we will feel glad that we did it.
Please contact me with your comments, questions, or suggestions.
NOTES of a NOMAD #245 -Four Days with Yogi -21 October 2024
This past week I spent four days in a beautiful spot with Yogi.
I was in East Sooke on Vancouver Island where I could see the Olympic Mountains in Washington State.
Please contact me with your comments, questions, and suggestions.
NOTES of a NOMAD #244 -On the Boat Again! -14 October 2024
Recently I have been staying on my friend’s boat and it was Thanksgiving in Canada.
This has had me consider friends, family, minimalism, and being a nomad.
Please contact me with your comments, questions, and suggestions.
NOTES of a NOMAD #243 -We’ve Always Done It This Way! -7 October 2024
The phrase, “We’ve always done it this way” is heard regularly in our conversations.
This approach has positive and negative aspects as it preserves some great traditions, but also can prevent us from thriving.
Please contact me with your comments, questions, and suggestions.
NOTES of a NOMAD #242 -What and Who are Leaders? -30 September 2024
As I work with Agora Speakers on creating their leadership educational paths the subject of what and who are leaders arises.
Our world needs leaders who can actively build a better world at all levels within our communities and our countries.
Please reach out to me with your comments, questions, or suggestions.
Improve it
NOTES OF A NOMAD #241 -It’s a Small World -23 September 2024
I had a recent conversation with a person in Cape Town who I met recently at Agora Speakers.
We discussed how small the world can be.
Please reach out to me with your comments, questions, or suggestions.
NOTES of a NOMAD #239 -Find Your Tribe -9 September 2024
What goals or changes do you want to make?
Finding like-minded people you can work with to help each other become the best you can be is key to achieving success.
Please contact me with your comments, questions, or suggestions.
NOTES of a NOMAD #238 -Lifelong Learning -2 September 2024
I had an outstanding past seven weeks experiencing the west coast of Canada and the Arctic plus being in Romania during the Agora Speakers convention.
Lifelong learning is a key to enjoying and experiencing the world.
Please contact me with your comments, questions, or suggestions.
NOTES of a NOMAD #237 -Hello from Romania -26 August 2024
The past week has been busy with my arrival in Romania, and participating in a public speaking summer school, and the Agora Speakers International convention.
I have thoroughly enjoyed meeting the amazing team of people at Agora Speakers Romania!
Please contact me with your comments, questions, or suggestions.
NOTES of a NOMAD #236 -The End of the Road -18 August 2024
After over 11,000 kilometres in the past month, the road trip to the Arctic and around British Columbia has ended.
It has been a wonderful opportunity to learn more about British Columbia, meet interesting people and learn more about road-tripping.
Here are details about my past week and some things I learned.
Please contact me with your comments, questions, or suggestions.
NOTES of a NOMAD #235 -The Roads I Have Travelled -11 August 2024
The journey from Whitehorse, Yukon to Bella Coola on the west coast of British Columbia was wonderful and informative.
I spent some time in a cottage at Atlin Lake and visited Liard River Hot Springs which was on my revisit bucket list.
Please contact me with your comments, questions, or suggestions.
NOTES of a NOMAD #234 -To Tuktoyaktuk -4 August 2024
The journey from Whitehorse, Yukon to Tuktoyaktuk on the Arctic Ocean and back was a six-day journey covering over 3000 kilometres.
The Dempster highway was interesting and so were some of the people I met and my car Charlie, was outstanding.
So far I have driven 6,785 kilometres since leaving Victoria on the 16th of July.
Please forward me your comments, questions, or suggestions.
NOTES of a NOMAD #233 -To the Yukon -28 July 2024
This past week I travelled to the capital of the Yukon, Whitehorse.
So far I have driven 3750 kilometres and one of the amazing side trips was to Telegraph Creek in northwestern British Columbia.
Please send me your comments, questions, or suggestions.
NOTES of a NOMAD #232 -The Toast on the Boat -22 July 2024
This past week, I spent most of it with my best friend, Ken, and we celebrated my birthday at my favourite place.
We visited our old scouting friend Dave and then went on his boat to Ganges harbour on Salt Spring Island.
Please send any comments, questions, or suggestions to me.
NOTES of a NOMAD #231 -An Exciting Arctic Road Trip -15 July 2024
I am excited as I am about to embark on an extended road trip to Tuktoyaktuk in the Canadian Arctic.
I hope to at least put my feet in the Arctic Ocean and meet some of the approximate one thousand inhabitants in Tuktoyaktuk.
Please contact me with your comments, questions, or suggestions.
NOTES of a NOMAD #230 -LEARN ANYTHING -See-Do-Feedback -8 July 2024
In a recent book, “Get Better At Anything” Scott Young refers to an approach that has been used for over 130 years in teaching surgery.
This See, Do, and Feedback approach is very effective and is used in many fields, including learning communication and leadership.
Please contact me with your comments, questions, or suggestions.
NOTES of a NOMAD #229 -Fifteen in a Row -30 June 2024
In the past few months, I have watched someone in the United Kingdom grow and do exceptional activities.
We have a weekly meeting with people from around the world and this nine-year-old girl has accomplished wonderful results to date.
It is exciting to see and watch her grow.
Contact me with your comments, questions, or suggestions.
NOTES of a NOMAD #228 -What Can We Do About This? -24 June 2024
What can be done about the challenges that our younger generation are facing?
I suggest that the outstanding work of Dr. Marilyn Price-Mitchell is very relevant where she highlight 8 core attributes.
You can find details about her work with free surveys and many articles and printouts that can be used to assist our younger generation on her website at https://www.rootsofaction.com/about/
Contact me with your comments, questions, or suggestions.
NOTES of a NOMAD #227 -The “Mortal Enemy” -17 June 2024
In my downsizing effort, I came across a folder with notes my father wrote.
The notes contain details about a story he often told about an incident in 1930 when his stepfather was driving his 1925 Ford Model T Touring car.
I hope this may be of interest to hear a little information about what the world was like in the 1930’s.
Please contact me with your comments, questions, or suggestions.
NOTES of a NOMAD #226 -Happy 30th Birthday, Charlie! -9 June 2024
At thirty years-old, it was time to treat Charlie to a nice birthday present.
I arranged a “spa” day for Charlie; he is looking and feeling much better now.
After spending the previous six months outside, my chariot, Charlie, my 1994 Toyota Corolla station wagon has been faithful to me and deserved the “spa” treatment.
If you are interested there is a previous video where I show Charlie loaded with my rowing machine and other belongings which is found at Notes of a Nomad Video #91.
Reach out to me with your comments, questions, or suggestions.
NOTES of a NOMAD #225 -Bob and Heather -Life Stories -3 June 2024
Attending two Celebrations of Life for Bob and Heather made me think about life, its fragility and impermanence.
Listening to the stories about others’ lives encourages us to review our values and priorities and have gratitude for what we have.
Also, it can be motivating and makes us think, “What would Bob or Heather do in these circumstances?”
Contact me with your comments, questions, and suggestions.
NOTES of a NOMAD #224 -What a Ride! -26 May 2024
Life has been interesting in the past 80-plus years.
The changes have become obvious as I go through the collected memorabilia as I downsize.
Each decade is so different as we age and the world evolves.
This video may be of interest to historians.
Please contact me with your comments, questions, or suggestions.
NOTES of a NOMAD #223 -A Message from Nepal -19 May 2024
A few days ago I received a surprise message from a school I visited in 2023 during my last week in Nepal.
The Wings Agora Speakers Club they started has been active for the past year and they have invited me to join their meeting.
As I had not heard from them since last year, this was an exciting message!
NOTES of a NOMAD #222 -Memorable Things -13 May 2024
We tend to accumulate many items during our lifetime which can become burdensome for those who sort out our estate.
I have returned to Canada and have the challenge of downsizing some more.
There are some reasons why this works for me and it is liberating to own fewer things as they can control you.
Contact me with your comments, questions, and suggestions.
NOTES of a NOMAD #221 -Travel Lessons -5 May 2024
Travelling can teach us so much.
We learn to be adaptable, patient, independent, self-aware, open-minded, and grateful.
However, we don’t have to spend a lot of money and time to gain these important skills.
Contact me with your comments, questions, and suggestions.
NOTES of a NOMAD #220 -It’s Madness! -28 April 2024
Mental health is often not spoken about and considered shameful, but it is becoming more of a challenge in our changing world.
This past week I visited a museum at a large state mental health hospital in California and listened to three speeches that helped prompt this video.
I refer to a TEDtalk by Vikram Patel, “Mental Health for All By Involving All,” which can be found at the link found in the description of this video.
Contact me with your comments, questions, or suggestions.
NOTES of a NOMAD #219 -News Addiction -21-April 2024
Today there is so much access to the ‘news’ that if we are not careful we can become obsessed and even addicted to watching the news.
It has been shown that too much negative news can harm our well-being.
There are some ways I have tried to control going down the never-ending news channels.
Contact me with your comments, questions, or suggestions.
NOTES of a NOMAD #218 -Youth Programs -14 April 2024
Encouraging youth to speak in front of a group and even make presentations is something I have been doing for around two decades.
I have learned a few things and recently sent an award to a young 9-year-old participant for giving her fifth speech.
Having a variety of ages working together also adds some magic to the process.
Contact me if you have any comments, questions, or suggestions.
NOTES of a NOMAD #217 -Juggling Generations -7 April 2024
I was impressed seeing the different generations collaborating at the recent rehearsal of the Great All-American Youth Circus here in Redlands, California.
This reminds me of what happens at many of our Agora Speakers meetings with young and old people working together to improve our interpersonal skills.
Today we have the wonderful opportunity to work with people of all generations to help each other become the best we can be.
Contact me with your comments, questions, or suggestions.
NOTES of a NOMAD #216 -Finland and Sisu -31 March 2024
Finland has been recognized as the ‘Happiest Nation in the World’ for the last seven years.
Many reasons are given for this achievement, but one factor is that they have “sisu.”
Sisu is roughly translated as strength of will, determination, perseverance, and acting rationally in the face of adversity.
Contact me with your comments, questions, or suggestions.
NOTES of a NOMAD #215 -The Quote and the Email -24 March 2024
“I feel very adventurous. There are so many doors to be opened, and I’m not afraid to look behind them.” is a quote by Elizabeth Taylor.
I also received an email from Gabriela, the Agora Speakers Ambassador for Romania inviting me to visit in August.
That is an exciting door to be opened as I plan to visit Romania.
Contact me with your comments, questions, and suggestions.
NOTES of a NOMAD #214 -The Possibilist -17 March 2024
Nelson Mandela said, “People say it’s impossible until it’s done.”
I listened to a fascinating podcast with William Ury, an American author, academic, anthropologist, and negotiation expert.
His stories and approaches about some of the negotiations in which he has been involved are extraordinary.
You can find the podcast at https://tim.blog/2024/02/13/william-ury/
Contact me with your comments, questions, or suggestions.
NOTES of a NOMAD #213 -93 Years Young -10 March 2024
We can all learn something from Richard Morgan, a 93-year-old world indoor rowing champion from Ireland.
Richard started his journey at the age of 73 and had not been highly athletic previously.
His success can be partially credited to consistently doing various exercises, and having a high-protein diet.
If you wish to learn more about Richard you can find the article about him in the December 2023 Journal of Physiology. Also, there is a video about him and his test results. Links to the journal article and video are found in the description of this video..
Contact me with your comments, questions, or suggestions.
NOTES of a NOMAD #212 -What Are These Young People Doing? -3 March 2024
This past week I was in contact with some young people doing something I would never consider when I was their age.
A year ago I visited a school, Everest Academy in Nepal.
This past week a group of their students surprised me with some activities demonstrating that we should not underestimate them.
Contact me with your comments, questions, or suggestions.
NOTES of a NOMAD #211 -How Old Are You? -25 February 2024
Ageism is a systematic oppression against specific age groups.
Older and younger generations can often be excluded from various opportunities due to their age.
There are examples of older and younger people who have contributed to changes in the world.
We can use intergenerational connections and judge people by their strengths, not their age.
Please contact me with your comments, questions, or suggestions.
NOTES of a NOMAD #210 -Yuri-WAR -18 February 2024
This video covers a sober topic, that is war.
I just heard that the friend’s brother passed away from being injured in the war in Ukraine.
War impacts the infrastructure, economy, health, education, environment, and many other aspects of our world.
I hope one hundred years from now, that some of my future descendants will see this video and say that does not happen anymore!
Contact me with your comments, questions, or suggestions.
NOTES of a NOMAD #209 -A Message from Arnold -11 February 2024
“You can admit you can’t do it alone. I certainly can’t. No one can.”
This is what Arnold Schwarzenegger wrote in the foreword of the book, Tools of Titans, by Tim Ferriss.
Arnold has become famous and gives motivational speeches and talks and in his recent book, he also mentions helping others as others have helped you.
Please contact me with your comments, questions, or suggestions.
NOTES of a NOMAD #208 -Hiring Skills/Topgrading -4 February 2024
In case you know someone who is involved in hiring I share what I learned as a recruiter for fifteen years.
Up to 70% of people hired are not the best fit for their positions.
I share an approach developed by Brad Smart called ‘Topgrading’ which has stood the test of time.
For more information see the Topgrading website at https://topgrading.com/
Please contact me with your comments, questions, or suggestions.
NOTES of a NOMAD #207 -Virtual Team Challenge -28 January 2024
I share some details about what is happening in January on the indoor rowing machine calendar.
I have been confusing the local gym members as to why some old guy would come in every day and row for hours on one of their Concept2 rowing machines.
There is an indoor rowing machine team challenge called the Virtual Team Challenge for January.
Contact me with your comments, questions, or suggestions.
NOTES of a NOMAD #206 -Saved by Criticism -21 January 2024
At a recent meeting, people gave me criticism or feedback on a demonstration video I had created.
It is often challenging to cultivate an open mindset to constructive criticism, but this can lead to growth and improvement.
At first, I thought they did not appreciate what I showed them.
However, their comments will help make the final product better.
Please get in touch with me with any comments, questions, or suggestions.
NOTES of a NOMAD #205 -Clutter (Things) -14 January 2024
Recent conversations reminded me that often the things we own can end up owning us.
Storing the things we own can be a challenge. Storage has become a growing multi-billion-dollar business.
Cleaning our clutter can be challenging. Less clutter can often benefit our overall health.
Please contact me with your comments, questions, or suggestions.
NOTES of a NOMAD #204 -But I’m Not a Leader! Really? -7 January 2024
I watched a recent short video by Simon Sinek where he answered, “I’m not the CEO, how do I change the organization?”
The answer is you can influence the group of people you are involved with daily. This can ultimately have a positive impact.
You can find Simon’s short video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U5VbM95rY58
Please reach out to me if you have comments, questions, or suggestions.
NOTES of a NOMAD #203 -The Middle Way -31-December-2023
In a recent Afterparty at an Agora Speakers meeting the teaching of ‘The Middle Way’ from Buddha was mentioned as we discussed the status of the world.
I found it interesting that many philosophers such as Aristotle and many religions have a similar message on how to approach life in moderation.
Please contact me if you have any comments, questions, or suggestions.
NOTES of a NOMAD #202 -Comfort Zones -24 December 2024
Although it is a challenge, getting out of our comfort zone has many benefits.
We can increase our self-confidence, broaden our perspectives, improve our problem-solving, increase our motivation, and unlock our potential.
Please reach out to me with your comments, questions, and suggestions.
NOTES of a NOMAD #201 -Changing Lives -17 December 2023
If you have watched some of my previous videos you likely noted that I believe communication skills are important.
Improving our communication skills has a positive impact on our lives.
How can we inform people about how they can improve their lives enormously by practicing and improving their communication skills?
Please contact me if you have comments, questions, or suggestions.
NOTES of a NOMAD #200 -“WHAT” 200 Videos? -10 December 2023
Should you ever wonder where you can easily find the videos that I have posted since February 2020, there is a website.
On the website, there is a list of all the posts with a brief description and a link to each video.
I describe the website and show the page containing the list of videos with links to each video.
The site can be found at https://www.notesofanomad.ca/
Please contact me with any comments, questions, or suggestions.
NOTES of a NOMAD #199 -The Elephant in the Room -3 December 2023
We often hear stories about families with an elderly parent suffering from dementia such as Alzheimer’s disease.
This can be very concerning for the family; as we grow older, it becomes more prevalent.
There are preventive approaches that can be taken to help avoid dementia occurring.
Please get in touch with me if you have comments, questions, or suggestions.
NOTES of a NOMAD #198 -Black Friday -26 November 2023
After arriving from Hawaii a few days ago, I had the opportunity to visit a local mall and noted all the Black Friday sales in Australia.
Black Friday sales started the day after Thanksgiving in the USA and appear to have spread worldwide.
There are many opinions about this shopping period which starts the holiday season in many countries worldwide.
Please contact me if you have comments, questions, or suggestions.
NOTES of a NOMAD #197 -Family Gathering -Hawaii -19 November 2023
Family gatherings offer the opportunity to reconnect, share meals, have fun, and create memories.
Currently, I am in Hawaii with family members from Australia, California, and Canada.
Please contact me if you have comments, questions, or suggestions.
NOTES of a NOMAD #196 -Long-term Friendships -12-November 2023
Long-term friendships are important in our lives.
They offer support, trust, shared memories, stress reduction, fun, and enjoyment.
Last week three of us connected and had an enjoyable time sharing each other’s company once again.
Please contact me if you have any comments, questions, or suggestions.
NOTES of a NOMAD #195 -The Happiest Person in the Happiest Country -5 November 2023
In this video, I discuss hearing an interview with Ella Kanninen, a journalist and TV presenter who was chosen as the most positive or happiest person in Finland, the happiest country in the world.
I think Ella’s main message is that “positivity means confidence in the future.”
I believe there are solutions to the world’s challenges if we work together and help each other solve all the issues we are facing.
Please contact me if you have any comments, questions, or suggestions.
NOTES of a NOMAD #194 -How to Know A Person -29 October 2023
An interview with the authour, David Brooks about his recent book, “How to Know A Person,” inspired some thoughts about deep listening and helping others.
When we conduct effective conversations and listen actively to others we make others feel heard, understood, and recognized.
This can help us find common ground, solve problems, and improve the world around us.
Please contact me if you have comments, questions, or suggestions.
NOTES of a NOMAD #193 -Three Generations -22-October 2023
I share three photographs that I found in a file folder that represent three generations of my family.
One purpose of these videos is to provide information about me for future descendants.
We know very little about our grandparents and I don’t plan to write a book.
NOTES of a NOMAD #192 -Travelling Across Canada -15 October 2023
This past week at a dinner, Steve told us about his wonderful trip across Canada mainly by train.
It was wonderful to discuss the trip with three friends discovering much of Canada he had never seen even though he is an accomplished world traveler.
Please contact me if you have comments, questions, or suggestions.
NOTES of a NOMAD #191 -Speak Out – Lead – Make History -8 October 2023
With another conflict in the Middle East between Israel and Hammas the average citizen is the one who suffers.
I believe a formula that will help solve so many problems in the world is ‘Speak Up – Lead – Make History.’
We can all dig deeper into our lives, step up, and apply the above formula by improving our communication and leadership and making the world better.
Please contact me if you have comments, questions, or suggestions.
NOTES of a NOMAD #190 -100 Years From Now -1 October 2023
This past week I received an email from a high school student asking me to write a reference for her debate coach application.
Her mother suggested that she include what she wrote when asked about a person who inspired her.
This made me think about my favorite quote about 100 Years From Now
Please contact me with any comments, questions, or suggestions.
NOTES of a NOMAD #189 -Back to the Drawing Board -24 September 2023
This week I have to go ‘back to the drawing board’ as a project I have been working on has not been successful.
I review some of the activities, the results, and what I think is the next step.
However, if anyone has some suggestions for me, I would be pleased to hear them.
NOTES of a NOMAD #188 -To Toronto and Back -17 September 2023
This past week I travelled to Toronto to visit some family members I have not seen in Toronto since 2011.
It was a busy week and I received an unexpected gift at the end of the trip.
Please contact me if you have any comments, questions, or suggestions.
NOTES of a NOMAD #187 -If You Don’t Belong, You Will Pay -10 September 2023
When discussing that Agora Speakers is free, the phrase, “You don’t pay to belong to Agora, but if you don’t belong you will pay” was mentioned.
This comment resonated with me as it can be applied to many things in life including exercise and nutrition.
Please contact me if you have comments, questions, or suggestions.
NOTES of a NOMAD #186 -Your Money or Your Life -3 September 2023
In 2012 when I was on a four-month overland trip from Cape Town to Cairo two of the seventeen people referred to a book.
In a recent down-sizing effort I came across a notebook that referred to the book, ‘Your Money or Your Life.’
I know the book had an impact on those who read it, so in researching the book I found some elements that I thought I would share.
They made sense to me, perhaps they might do so to you.
Please contact me if you have any comments, questions, or suggestions.
NOTES of a NOMAD #185 -Convention Presentation -27-August 2023
At the recent Agora Speakers online convention, AGORACON2023, I presented what I had learned during my trip to Nepal earlier this year.
This presentation “The Gift” describes some of what I did and learned in Nepal.
Please contact me if you have any comments, questions, or suggestions.