NOTES of a NOMAD #208 -Hiring Skills/Topgrading -4 February 2024

In case you know someone who is involved in hiring I share what I learned as a recruiter for fifteen years.

Up to 70% of people hired are not the best fit for their positions.

I share an approach developed by Brad Smart called ‘Topgrading’ which has stood the test of time.

For more information see the Topgrading website at

Please contact me with your comments, questions, or suggestions.

NOTES of a NOMAD #201 -Changing Lives -17 December 2023

If you have watched some of my previous videos you likely noted that I believe communication skills are important.

Improving our communication skills has a positive impact on our lives.

How can we inform people about how they can improve their lives enormously by practicing and improving their communication skills?

Please contact me if you have comments, questions, or suggestions.

NOTES of a NOMAD #180 -What Happened Last Year? -22 July 2023

As it was my birthday this past week, I reviewed what occurred this past year.

After the Covid lockdown has eased and I had received five vaccines so far, I managed to move around this past year.
I sorted through many photos, some of which you may have seen if you watched my videos.

Contact me if you have any comments, questions, or suggestions.

NOTES of a NOMAD #177 -Remembered How? -1 July 2023

This is the final video answering the fifth question posed by the Barefoot Investor, Scott Pape, an Australian authour.

The question is, “How would you like to be remembered?

I refer to working with young people for the past 20 years to assist them to enhance their communication and leadership skills.

Please contact me if you have comments, questions, or suggestions.

NOTES of a NOMAD #166 NEPAL -Week Ten -(Inaruwa) -17 April 2023

It was New Year’s Day in Nepal last week.

So Happy New Year for 2080 according to the Hindu calendar used in Nepal.

Also, since last week was during school vacation I conducted a Summer Camp approach having them at the school in the morning and a road trip some afternoons.

We did journaling, Agora Speakers practices, learning to cook, and four road trips.

Please reach out to me if you have any comments, questions, or suggestions.

NOTES of a NOMAD #165 -Week Nine -(Damak) -10 April 2023

This past week, I had an enthusiastic reception in the school and the library that I visited.

Also, the bus ride from Damak to Inaruwa has some dramatic activities which delayed my arrival in Inaruwa.

Please reach out to me if you have any comments, questions, or suggestions.

NOTES of a NOMAD #164 -NEPAL -Week Eight (Dharan) -1 April 2023

I spent the past week at the Shree Public School which has 3425 students.

It was the first government-run school as all previous schools were private schools.

I will maintain contact with the English teacher, Buddha Sagar as he appears enthusiastic about the Agora Speakers program.

I received an interesting ‘Token of Love’ from the school.

Please reach out to me if you have any comments, questions, or suggestions.

NOTES of a NOMAD #163 -NEPAL -Week Seven -(Pokara) -26 March 2023

I spent this week in Pokhara which is Nepal’s most popular tourist destination and is known for its Himalayan range and lakes, and its adventure activities.

I am not a good tourist. I saw or did none of the above.

I did work in a school and a college and did do a few unexpected things.

Please contact me if you have any comments, questions, or suggestions.

NOTES of a NOMAD #162 -NEPAL -Week Six (Nepalgunj) -19 March 2023

This past week was spent in Nepalgunj which is close to the border with India.

I had a great time working with about eighty students in the Spring Dell Academy from Grade 5 to Grade 10.

The school principal was very supportive and interested in the Agora Speakers Youth program.

Please reach out to me if you have any comments, questions, or suggestions.

NOTES of a NOMAD #161 -NEPAL -Week Five (Chitran) -10 March 2023

After a 13-hour bus ride, I arrived in Chitwan, Nepal on Sunday morning where I worked with the students at Orchid School.

I continue to learn as we progress and enjoy the hospitality of the people of Nepal.

I discuss some of the aspects of Nepal in which I believe implementing Agora Speakers clubs can make a positive contribution.

Please reach out to me if you have any comments, questions, or suggestions.

NOTES of a NOMAD #160 -NEPAL -Week Four (Surkhet) -3 March 2023

This week I traveled to the Surkhet area of Nepal and spent the week at the Eager Bridge Secondary School introducing the Agora Speakers Youth programs to some of the students.

The first half of the ride was exciting as I had the same driver, Rabin from the previous fast and furious week. He took me to see the Wall of Death motorcycle/car show at a local fair.

Also, I visited a Hindu/Buddhist temple built in the 12 century that has been restored in 2021 known as Kakrebihar.

Please reach out to me if you have any comments, questions, or suggestions.

NOTES of a NOMAD #158 -NEPAL-Week Two -17 February 2023

This week after a ‘bUmPy’ bus ride from Kathmandu to Butwal, I spent a remarkable week at a school.

It is hard to express how enjoyable it was to be in a school dormitory and watch children during the week enjoying their time at school.

Overall, it was an eventful and productive week promoting Agora Speakers Youth programs in this community.

Please reach out to me if you have any comments, questions, and suggestions.

NOTES of a NOMAD #157 -NEPAL -Week One -11 February 2023

My first week in Nepal was outstanding.

I visited four schools and shared information about Agora Speakers youth programs with many other schools that have expressed interest in the programs.

I think this might just be the best week of my life so far!

Please reach out to me if you have any comments, questions, or suggestions.

NOTES of a NOMAD #154 -Changes -20 January 2023

I was born in 1942 during the Second World War and the world has changed since then.

I review some of the changes that have occurred in my life and some of the skills that the current youth will need to cope with change during their lifetimes.

Please reach out to me if you have any comments, questions, or suggestions.

NOTES of a NOMAD #151 -Youth Testimonials -30 December 2022

Since I have been working with youth groups since 2004, I thought it would be good to get some testimonials from those involved.

I recently sent out a request and have received a few testimonials which I can share.

The plan is to use them to promote other youth to join a youth group.

Please contact me if you have any comments, questions, or suggestions.

NOTES of a NOMAD #148 -Communication & Leadership Epitomized -10 December 2022

Communication and leadership are important to actively build a better world.

I refer to Volodymyr Zelensky, the President of Ukraine as a person who epitomizes the power of outstanding communication and leadership.

Assisting our younger generation to improve their communication and leadership skills is of great interest to me,

Please reach out to me if you have any comments, questions, or suggestions.

NOTES of a NOMAD #139 -Past Week and Future Travels -7 October 2022

Last week I shared time with a friend and memories of 60 years ago when we were hitchhiking around North America and Europe.

Soon I will be starting travels to the British Virgin Islands, Australia, and Nepal.

In Nepal, the plan is to help introduce Agora Speakers Youth clubs in some schools.

Please reach out to me if you have any comments, questions, or suggestions.

NOTES of a NOMAD #134 -A New Age Teacher -2 September 2022

Teaching has been changing,

This video shows an elementary school classroom with a difference. It has four large screens, extensive computer usage, music is played during classwork, the students sit where they wish, and the teacher is a gamer.

This is different from what I experienced in school.

Youth today face a different world.

Agora Speakers also offers them the opportunity to learn communications and leadership skills.

Anyone interested in learning what Agora Speakers youth programs have to offer, please reach out to me.

NOTES of a NOMAD #132 -AGORACON 2022 -18 August 2022

The annual convention of Agora Speakers International, AGORACON 2022, is being held now in August.

This convention is being organized and hosted by the youth groups in India

I am excited as it showcases what the younger generation is capable of doing as they are often underestimated.

If you wish to know more about the convention or have comments, questions, or suggestions, please reach out to me.

NOTES of a NOMAD #110 -Communication & Leadership from Ukraine -18 March 2022

The outstanding communication and leadership of Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky are inspirational.

He has demonstrated the powerful impact these skills can have on the world.

It is these skills that we assist our youth and members of Agora Speakers to obtain so they will become brilliant communicators and confident leaders.

If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions, please reach out to me.

NOTES of a NOMAD #104 -Finding Your Potential -4 February 2022

I was reminded of the core competencies that help us thrive when I reviewed the book, “Letter To A Young Athlete.”

It is these core abilities that help us reach our potential.

If you know of anyone who may be interested in learning about the youth programs I promote to assist our younger generation, please reach out to me.

NOTES of a NOMAD #96 -My Dream -8 December 2021

In a recent dream, I shared a message with a group of young people.

I am sharing my dream in case you know of anyone who would like to be able to assist our youth gain crucial communication and collaboration skills.

Please share this video with anyone you know who might assist our younger generation.

If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions, please reach out to me.

NOTES of a NOMAD #76 -Youthquake -21 July 2021

The word “Youthquake’ refers to changes due to the influence of young people.

This word came to mind when discussing forthcoming speech contests at Agora Speaker International’s convention.

If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions please reach out to me.

NOTES of a NOMAD #72 Website -23 June 202

I am asking for your help to spread the word about the website that I have created.

It is for anyone who is interested in helping youth gain confidence and find their voice.

If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions,  please reach out to me.